I Am Mother Mary, an expression of Love of the Father, wishing to give you this Message as a sign of Love to those of you who work in such an efficient manner Manifesting the Presence of the Father.

Every heart is a carrier of a Torch of Light that radiates according to the way that the "I AM" Presence is channeled. As the children that you are, you are sustained in the Loving embrace of those that are behind the veil. You must expect that when something is requested with Faith, and if that petition is sustained, it has to manifest. The response to the petition of each one is to be considered as a fact. It is the Glorious "I AM" Presence who will be manifested through each one and in the form that pertains to you. The Glorious "I AM" Presence, bearer of the most precious gifts, will give through you, the children of the Earth, a beautiful Body of Light now surrounded by fog.
You cannot imagine the joy that we feel, we the ones who have been waiting for you to wake up in search of the "I AM". In the Heart Temple there is a special merriment because now the "new children" will be received in a more refined environment because of your request of projecting the Light of the Father. Those children will be born by Parents more conscious of the "I AM" purpose and will not have to pass the tests that the ones coming before had to experience. The veil will be less dense. The Manifestation of the "I AM" Presence is and must be directed toward telling others what the Father has prepared for them. The means are not important. The pure and real desire, and the Impersonal Service are the best keys for what is to be done.
Nature will glow with joy in the measure that your radiation towards her is sustained. The Body of Light that surrounds you is very large and you should feel that it is not necessary to look for force outside of yourselves. It is now at your disposition if you maintain the desire and if you allow the I AM to be manifested. The party in the Heavens is big. The Universal Family will be manifested soon. The basis has been given and man may say with justice: THE PRESENCE OF THE FATHER-MOTHER HAS MANIFESTED ON EARTH. The smile of children will be more pure and their eyes will fill with Light to those who they see. Keep on sustaining the call. Give it Life. Sustain it in your Beings and channel it in an Impersonal Service. Use the Divine Energy to Serve others. Do not waste it; sow it, irrigate it with Love and Constance, and do not wait to see the fruits, only wish that they may be able to give a good seed bearing fruit satisfying the "hunger and thirst of the others". Do not pursue any
result, only be the channel for the Father to be manifested. Do not wish anything else besides what your Being desires to channel. Do not loose your time in useless things. Only in the I AM Presence will you find Life. Do not let this opportunity go by. Take advantage of it and you will live forever.
Sow, sow, sow. The fruit will not be for you. You are Laborers in a very large field in which you must sow the seed that the Father has placed in your hands. The crop belongs to others. You only have to prepare yourselves so that when the call arrives you are ready to go where you are required. Do not interpose the personality between the Service and the Desire. You are only chosen instruments for a mission that will take you to raise the Earth to its correct Orbit.
The internal connection between each one has been established before the encounter of your personalities, therefore you must not prefer personal desires to a correct relation of Service. No single piece is more important than any other. Your efficiency is manifested in the correct channeling and in being in harmony with the whole.
Brothers, it is time to grow. It is time to let the Father-Mother be the one manifested in you. Do it with a heart filled with joy to the Service that you will render. Your height will grow with the Light that the Causal Body will channel. You will always be My Beloved children because a Mother does not stop looking for her children that as babies pulled at her skirt.
My Service towards you covers you in a Mantle of Love that will enable you to do what pertains to you in the comfort of the Arms of a Mother. My Being is filled with Light knowing that you, my little children, have begun to request the "I AM" Presence with a heart filled with Love. Do not doubt that My assistance will be immediate, at the moment of the request. I, Mary, will Serve you with all the Love with which the Father has filled Me. It is yours.
Children, the path is long but you will always find an Oasis that will enable you to renew the wishes of your hearts and fill "your cup" with the Gift that you must channel. The I AM is the most wonderful Oasis. His Water is Alive and you can drink of it as many times as you wish.
My Love covers you and quiets you, not to put you to sleep, but to encourage you to follow the Path that you have just started. The Earth will cover you with the blessings which the Father has prepared in His Passage over it. The Path will become more pleasant in the measure that you manifest the desire of your heart and to the degree the "I AM" becomes the Governing Presence.
Children, the Light that is being poured requires "wholesome bodies" because the Light is the Purity of the Father-mother. Each one must clean their causal bodies of all the energy stored in them.
When the One Light is projected to a clean body it can reach straight away where its channeling is required. The Will of the Father-Mother is always sustained over you in a marvelous act of Faith because you have been able to sustain yourselves in your Central point with great Love.
We see all your efforts realized as the proof that demonstrates that man must now be seen with respect. Because he has awakened his Being, his action needs a response, and if this is offered, he will take it with great sincerity.
In reality you may consider that "man" is he who has discovered or understood that he alone cannot create anything by himself and it is the Father that is the only one that acts through him because he is only a channel. To surrender to Service requires a great will and dedication, and indicates the Degree of Being of each one.
In the opportunity that you now have before you, you can allow that part that has been imprisoned for centuries to do as it pleases. It is now a reality being able to tell you: Go ahead, the Victory is assured! Your attitude of wanting to channel the Father-Mother is seen as something beautiful because the disposition and sincerity of the heart is noticed. Maintain always that purpose. Count with the help of your Brothers behind the veil. In reality it is not often to have so many personalities together, united for the same desire.
Perseverance is required in great measure and when you feel the lack of strength, remember the Mother that has seen each one grow and who has insufflated your desire to return Home in your hearts.
Children, it is something beautiful for Me to watch the time go by as you maintain the desire to channel the Father-Mother in your hearts. Now that each one has decided, it is the opportunity to tell you that "this nativity" has been more beautiful because on the Earth the Star of Bethlehem shines with more splendor. Now you will understand the work of Jesus in his time because the apparent modernism has done nothing but create harder conditions because of the great amount of brothers that are in the shadows and require of your help. Impersonally or not, you must come to their call and this is something that you can understand.
Children, remember that the Father-Mother has outpoured to each one his own desire for "Unity" and therefore you cannot forget your brothers in the shadows.
The Great Brotherhood gives you a vote of confidence and you can count with My Presence, which will keep your Beings with the desire to come back Home.
Sons, the Will is poured over you. You now need its constant Presence, because now you must start with your first steps to channel the Father-Mother. The Presence of Love covers you and at each step. Feel it floating as a soft aroma surrounding you. In each ray of the sun, project the gifts that you want to channel and visualize them covering those parts that now call for help.
Do not forget that in the Unity of your Beings you will master the Manifestation in the Perfection of the Gifts of the "I AM". Follow that Fusion. I cover you with the Love of the Mother who wants each child to fulfill his task to Perfection and return Home Victorious.
I wait for you, pouring over you the Blessings of My BEING, in your Service of Love.
I Love you from the Heart,

Sow the Seeds of Light on the Earth!
Oh women who gives her body to the disposition of the Father-Mother and in His Service wants to channel the Light, it is a good opportunity to give yourselves as an Incubator of a Holy Being because in this Era filled with Light that is now dawning you will be able to walk hand in hand with the Angels.
All who believe in the Glorious Golden Era may ask for its Manifestation through the self or of the Mother presence, and in the case of the women, can be the fertile environment where the seed of Light which the Father disposes germinates.
Daughters, it is time to become conscious before starting to incarnate a new Being. The Earth now requires much Light and if there are not enough bodies to Serve on it, the opportunity to manifest the Presence of the Father-Mother is lost. I know you because I know your function as Mother must be directed as a channel by which the Light of the Father is poured outward. Know that the Service of giving a body to a Being of Light is wonderful because the Manifestation of many Ascendant Brothers are needed on Earth.
You must take into consideration that to bring any Being of Light into the physical plane requires certain conditions from the parents-to-be, man and woman, because to give a physical body without first providing the required conditions would be to delay the task to be completed on the Earth.
The best way to comply with this requisite is to first make an intense petition to the Father-Mother.
The conjunction of man-woman creates the vortex that attracts the Being to incarnate. In this opportunity, at the time of the act, the Being of Light that will come to the Earth through her begins to gravitate over the woman. You will normally feel that the desire to manifest a specific virtue is greater with time, and in the measure that the embryo grows, the Manifestation of that virtue grows.
To give a physical body to an elevated Being is to give opportunity to Life to redeem itself. It is to offer opportunity to the Being to manifest the Father-Mother and above all, to offer the parents the opportunity to "burn karma", personal and group, because the region in which they live also rises in
positive radiation and elevates the level of the Being. Therefore, if it is a conscious act, you are Serving Life in a marvelous impersonal way because it is the Father-Mother who makes possible this Manifestation.
Sexual abstinence is required for a period of up to seven months during the period of petition. With the receptacle (Temple) purified the new embryo (God) may lodge and then manifest Him as all Light, all Purity.
It is the obligation of the couple to comply with the demanded requisites because by violating them, the Temple is violated and falls in sin because the future must have a crib of Purity as well as an incubating Mother. Therefore, think carefully on this before taking that step, and even though the Task is one of magnificence, effort is required to achieve it.
A "pregnancy" of Light is something marvelous because always over the woman will Be Angels bearing the Light of Love and the virtues that the Being will manifest in physicality. Dress yourselves with Light because it is a marvelous Service and one that manifests the desire of Serving Life in an impersonal manner.
Woman, it is your turn to take the banner. It pertains to you to be the Torch Bearer, in your womb flourishes the Light that gives glorious Manifestations.
Oh woman! Oh mother! Oh sister! Love kneels before your glorious function and pours Its Light on you. The opportunity is marvelous. Do not miss it because you Liberate yourselves in it and once Free from the chains of the darkness, you can give Life Its most Glorious Expression: The Father-Mother in Action.
In the darkness of your womb, in the blackness of your womb, gestates the Light. Express It, manifest It, and in that function give opportunity to Life to be Glorified in its Manifestation.
I cover you with My Mantle of Light, the Mantle of Mother Mary that together with other women of my time were able to manifest the Glorious Presence of the Father-Mother in the physical plane and Liberate the impulse of Love in each Life.
Receive My Maternal Blessing.

The Voice of the Being is raised asking for help. It is heard. We come to its Service.
Brothers, sustain yourselves in this Moment of Unity that now moves you. Sustain yourselves under the Glorious Presence of Micah. Take advantage of the opportunity that you have. It is unique, beautiful, so take advantage of it!
The Light of the Being struggles to be manifested, to be projected over the dense form. Accept its call and allow it to flow. It has been imprisoned for so very long, you have been suffocating Its Light.
Brothers, in these moments which seem useless to the personality, the Being has the opportunity to manifest itself, to Liberate itself. Take advantage of it. It is a moment filled with dark Light so take advantage of it and work on that darkness that suffocates you. Conquer that Light so as to be One with the ONE Light. Conquer it. Its nucleus is in you, it radiates in you. It is a pustule that infects everything that surrounds it. You must heal it. It has already done too much damage.
Brothers, the Task is hard but a sustained effort concentrated on each action, realized with the perfect action of the Being, can cause the Light to repolarize its action and permit the black nucleus that suffocates you to release its Beautiful and Pure Light. The voice of the Being is suffocated in that dark hole, so work to master that nucleus. It contains much Light. It possesses much force. It is now pestilent and there is where you must work. You must go down to the bottom and bring out the Light of the Being trapped there. That is your task. It is your Being trapped there because you have been the cause of this miasma. So go to work. Settle your accounts with each effort. Master yourselves little by little and moment by moment. Nothing is achieved without effort. Everything is achieved with it.
To pour Light over Light, dark in this case, is to repolarize it, to master it. Only Love penetrates there. Only with an unconditional Service to the Being that is trapped can you reach there. This is achieved only with an unconditional submission to your Being, with a conscious work of your "personalities", with the turning of the forces you will achieve it. It is done consciously, only after having considered each cell and its force, only after having balanced the effort to be realized, only after having realized that the Father is the one that can act because you are nothing but his channel, only after bowing your heads and having said: Father Do Your Will. Recognize that the Father IS, HE IS THE ONE LIGHT IN ACTION, AND WITH HIM YOU MUST ACT.
So be ready to become outpourers of the ONE Light and so Be Free from the garbage that your personalities have outpoured. Be ready to conquer your Central Nucleus, your Being, conscious that the garbage is and must be treated with Love because only Love can reach it. Only Love in an unconditional submission can liberate the garbage and may liberate your Being from that garbage.
Brothers, sustain yourselves. It must be a conscious effort from each one. It is a sustained effort the task is hard, but the garbage that you have outpoured is so much that only through a sustained effort can you win and release your Being out of jail.
Set aside each desire of the personality in favor of each desire of the Being. Let the Being flow. It needs to be expressed. It has to express. Your first Manifestation will be doubtful but once Freed, only the Light will outpour, only the Light will Be.
I sustain you with My Presence. I cover you with It in a sustained embrace, in an embrace concentrated with Light. You must keep yourselves concentrated in each effort, centered in it. I will sustain you because each one must be able to extract your Being out of its prison. Each one has to allow it to be outpoured. Each one must achieve communion with it, in a concentrated point of action and communion. So feel sustained over each of you that moment of concentration, My Momentum of sustenance, of sustained effort. I will pulsate from My Being My Momentum to each one. Each one has to achieve it, to conquer it, because only with a concentrated act, centered in each effort, will you achieve what you want. I sustain you in My Momentum. I AM Vista, the Elohim of Concentration, of sustained effort.
Until you are able to express your Being, I will maintain you under My Momentum. Establish it with Me. You need it.
Everything requires a sustained effort. Everything demands an effort. Everything needs of the Concentrated Presence of the ONE to achieve, to conquer, and to realize. Sustain yourselves. Surrender yourselves in each act and I will sustain and cover you with My Being.
I remain pulsing My Being on you. Accept Me, I AM Vista, the Concentration of your Being towards His Manifestation, towards His expression, towards His realization.
I AM Vista, your Brother, your sustenance, your concentrated and maintained force in the Being. I leave you My Momentum. My Momentum I AM. Vista, Concentration.
In My Conquest I will Liberate your Being because it has been concentrated into an obscure, dark, black hole. Radiate Your Being. I will radiate Myself with HIM.
For Love to Your Being, Liberate Yourselves in Him.
I sustain you in My Embrace; Liberate Yourselves in Him..
I AM Vista, Your Brother.

Accept the Light of the Being. Enliven the Flame in your Being. Do not permit anything to diminish it or to extinguish it. Fight to keep it always active, always alive. Do not tire in your efforts. Each one must raise the Torch of Freedom before the Father. Each one must empty his cups and then fill them with Light, with Pure, Beautiful Light.
Brothers, sustain yourselves. Yours is a Glorious, Beautiful opportunity and in it you will conquer your Being, to be what you are, ALL LIGHT. Resist any attack from the dark forces. Sustain yourselves and only in this manner will you enable the ALL PRESENCE OF LIGHT to be manifested. Only in this way will you be able to manifest the Perfect Light, the ONE LIGHT.
Brothers, sustain yourselves. Know that the Light of the Father covers you, It has always been so. At times it may have seemed otherwise because your Beings were held in the prison of matter, but to feel the pressure of the jail in which they are and the loneliness that is experienced there is the loneliness of death, an internal loneliness.
Because of this, you have been able to seek Liberty internally and externally. The Father has made possible for you to awaken, for you to become conscious of your situation, of the Glorious ALL LIGHT Presence that sustains you. Now the vision is becoming clear. The dark moments are gone already and have given way to the Light. Everyone now knows what to do and how to do it. Each one knows where to go in search of the Glorious Light with all the information that will Liberate you. It is a Source ready to be outpoured every moment, as it does now, feeding itself, expanding itself. The personality now has to pull back and give the Being its way.
Brothers, the task that you are commencing now is beautiful and no single effort is too small to achieve it. Your Liberation is in your Being. You have to achieve it in a perfect way; only in that manner you will Crown it with success.
Perfection is a Glorious Virtue of the Father. Through Its Action you may see it, in all Its Glorious Manifestation, Its August Presence. Perfection is to see everything in a Perfect Action, in Perfect harmony, with Perfect Light, because IT IS SO.
I AM Hilarion, a Brother who above all must Manifest the Perfect Light of the Father, His Perfect Action. On each one must be poured that Perfect Light. It is already so but it must be expressed Perfect as it arrives. You must reach this condition too, to manifest each aspect of the Father in perfect Harmony and in perfect Action.
I am willing to help you, to sustain you in a Momentum with Me, to express the Light in all its Perfect and Glorious Manifestation. Perfection does not manifest anything but the Light, only Light as It Is: Beautiful, Perfect and Pure. It Is and must Be so. It seems hard to achieve this virtue, but every single one of your efforts to manifest the Father has Perfection as its goal, has the goal to conquer that Virtue, because only Light Is. Only Light will Be, Perfect and Beautiful.
Glorify yourselves in each desire of expressing it. Glorify yourselves and give the effort to manifest it as it Is: PERFECT.
The Voice of the ONE claims you, calls you to HIS Bosom. You must go there as ALL LIGHT, Perfect in Manifestation, Beautiful. The Door is sustained by Purity and HER BEING IS PERFECT. The push that will open the Door for you is the degree of PERFECTION OF PURITY that you manifest. So dress yourselves with the PERFECT LIGHT OF THE ONE. Dress yourselves in Glory for HIM. The Earth needs you in a Perfect Action, in a Perfect Manifestation. So, only so will you be able to re-establish Order, and this is PERFECT.
The Light was manifested in a PERFECT act. You must return to It the PERFECT Wisdom that your Beings have assimilated on Earth incarnation after incarnation. Dress yourselves in PERFECTION in each submission, each time more PERFECT.
The Light of the ONE is PERFECT. How are you going to return to HIM otherwise? Perform each effort more sustained, with more submission, more PERFECT, each time more PERFECT.
The Path that you have taken will lead you to the ONE Light. Master It in a PERFECT Submission, UNCONDITIONAL, BEAUTIFUL. SO BE IT. SO IT WILL BE.
Brothers, the Light reaches you profusely. Take advantage of it and use it only for that which IS; to express the Father-Mother in each act, only for that, nothing else. The Light of the Being is re-created in each submission. Recreate yourselves too in each submission, each time more PERFECT.
From My Being I outpour the Light of the ONE, in a Glorious and PERFECT Submission towards you. Receive it. Every Momentum is PERFECT. Accept it. Each one has to express the Father to PERFECTION and each Ascended Brother has offered His Momentum with HIM. Build them in your Being, in your Services. Each one expresses the Light in their different Manifestations, in a Perfect manner. And so you will have to do; each one in the aspect that pertains to you in a Perfect Manner.
Brothers, My Being covers you with ITS PERFECT LIGHT. It remains pulsing on each one, on your Being. You must manifest it, externalize it. Only through PERFECTION will you be able to find the right Center of your Liberation. Do it and take it. Fill it in your Beings and surrender to the ONE. Flourish in HIM.
I AM Hilarion, a Brother in the PERFECT LIGHT OF THE FATHER, I AM. I will sustain you in each effort so that it is Perfect. I will pour My Being on each one. Accept it and express it with its Perfect Light.
I AM Hilarion, A Brother in the PERFECT LIGHT OF THE ONE.

Brothers, you are looking to Consecrate yourselves to a Divine Purpose. I offer you My Being so that you may achieve it. I AM Raphael. I have Consecrated the Light of My Being to an Unconditional Service, to the LIGHT OF THE ONE.
I AM Raphael, I bear the Flame of Consecration. I will pour Its Light to each because you must Consecrate each of your vehicles to manifest the Perfect Light of the ONE. I will do it, because it pertains to My Being to do it. I will pour My Being over each one in a Consecrated submission.
Brothers, you that have been clamoring for this opportunity, now you can take advantage of it because every Elder Brother is willing to give from Himself all the Glorious Light of Their Being. I will consecrate each vehicle, each cell of your vehicles in the moment that you call for it. It must be a conscious act; an act filled with Light. You must have done your internal balance. You must have taken that decision with all the Purity of your Being, with all the Perfect Light that is in It.
I will reconsecrate each one of your bodies; I said reconsecrate, because in the Heart Temple, together with Mother Mary, I Consecrate each one of your bodies to Divine Service, to the Service of the BEING.
So get ready and be conscious of the act to reconsecrate your vehicles. You must realize that only in this manner will you be able to achieve what you wish: your Freedom. It is a promise of Loyalty, of submission to the ONE Cause, Unconditional, Perfect. It is a beautiful submission, so meditate and decide why it must be a conscious act, a perfect submission. I Raphael, will reconsecrate each vehicle in the Perfect Light of the Being, for Its Perfect Manifestation.
Brothers, you have to understand that you will not achieve anything if you do not put your effort into it, if you do not surrender in an unconditional manner, in a Beautiful, Perfect manner. The desire of reaching the Father dressed in Light is rising in you; your Being is requesting you to surrender yourself to Him! Consecrate yourself! so that each part of you may identify itself in that act and surrender to an Unconditional Service.
Everybody manifests the Light of the ONE. With more or less effort, everybody does it. Consciously or unconsciously you do it. But does that have any value? NO! Are you able to take in the force? It is a matter of decision because only in a conscious act, in a conscious submission is the only way you will take the force. This is no game, it is a matter of decision and of your surrender.
The Light has always pulsed in your Beings in unconditional submission, It is Consecrated to that goal, only to Manifest the Presence, only to Manifest It.
As dual Beings that you are, you must identify yourselves in BEING, only expressing the Light of the ONE. This is an unconditional submission to that act. Have your personalities done it? They have not, right? Well, you must work. I reconsecrate the Light there. Accept the force there because it is not a single force. There are many forces controlling it. So there is where you have to work. There is where you have reconsecrate yourself because in this and your other lives you have perverted the Light that reaches you. Only in a Perfect submission, in a perfect disposition, in a beautiful and Divine submission, can you use the force of your Being, and it is an act of Consecration to the Service of the Light.
I am Raphael, Archangel Raphael. My Being will Consecrate you anew, even though conscious of all that your submission implies, you determine yourselves when to comply, to comply in each part of you with the Light of the ONE, with Love. Only in this manner can I reconsecrate your vehicles, conscious of the why and purpose.
I AM Raphael, and I leave My Being pulsing the Light of the Truth with you, the Glorious Truth of the BEING, so that it shines in each and enables you to understand the glorious task that you have before you. I leave that Flame pulsating in the Being so that through Its Light you may find the Truth of your Being, of your existence. Call Me when you find It. I Am willing to reconsecrate you with the Light of the ONE.
I AM Raphael. I leave My Being in each one, pulsating that Flame.
I Love you as you are; Free in the Truth of the Being.

The Presence of Truth reaches you in My submission to your Beings in order for you to seek Its Light, and its reason of Being. I pulse in each one the desire of reaching and becoming All Light. This desire is beautiful. It is the desire of the Being because HE is Light, only Light. Your personalities, being of dense matter, want to be like HIM. It is His Reason of Being in each one and you must find out what this Reason is. The Light has multiple Manifestations and throughout your many incarnations the BEING has attracted to itself a defined aspect of the Father, and that is its Real Reason of Being. It is in that aspect where He wants you to Serve. That is where the Force of the Being is to be found. This is its Central Nucleus. Here is the Key Word, the All Power Word, because it would make no sense that each one Serve under the same aspect, even though it is true that the Father is ONE but is manifested under multiple facets and it pertains to each one to realize one of those facets to Perfection. Then you must know the Reason of Being and work to express It to perfection. You must search for the Truth in your Being. You will find a lack of desire in some of your parts, perhaps apathy or resistance for what you are doing, but you must find the truth anyway.
Brothers, the Light is ONE, Perfect, Glorious, but in the multiple aspects of Life the Father manifests the Light in the same manner. By now each one must have defined his Path of Service, but in that Path there are many different colors of Light. For example, Love is Perfect in Its Manifestation, but, how to Serve in it if it can be of Service to so many different aspects of Life? Then, to Serve in it each one must define the aspect that is most compatible with the feeling of their Being. Then you must search for the Truth of it and finally Serve there. In that manner each Virtue of the Being is compatible to a defined aspect. Surrender to yours.
I AM the Goddess of Truth. The Reason of My Being is to make Truth shine in each Being because this is how darkness disappears in man. Ignorance is darkness. There is no Light in it. The Truth is Light, Pure, Beautiful, and Perfect.
I AM the Goddess of Truth and My Being pulsates its Flame in each one for you to have Light in your Beings at all times, in your "personalities" better said, because your Being is Light.
The Task that you have to achieve will be done on the basis of the Truth. You will have to verify it constantly, to sustain it, because in this manner darkness will disappear and ignorance will not cover you. You sin because of ignorance of the dark and dense Light. Then, with the Light of Truth the unconsciousness/ignorance stops being.
I AM willing to sustain My Light over each one, the Light of My Being, the Light of the ONE, so that Truth may flourish in each of your Beings, the Reason of your Beings, and of Being.
I AM the Goddess of Truth and in each of you those dense dark spots are already disappearing. I can say: The Light Will Be, the Truth will Be, and The Veil is lifted little by little. The Light will be Glorious and Beautiful. The Truth will illuminate your worlds.
Achieve the Truth of your Being. It will open the doors of your Nucleus. It is Light and only the Light may achieve that it Be so.
I AM Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth. I leave My Light pulsing in each with the desire to know the fullness of Truth, the Reason of your Being.
I cover you with My Being. Call Me in those dark moments of doubt. I am willing to Serve. The Reason of My Being is to Glorify the Truth. Call Me and for that reason I will promptly come to your Service.
Each Brother of Light has the Reason of your Being at your Service. Take into consideration this offer. It is beautiful, unconditional, loving. It is a glorious Truth.
I, Pallas Athena, cover you with My Being. Look for yourselves; find Me.
Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth.

My Being covers you with His Light. I pour My Love on each one. I have seen you come out of darkness little by little. How much joy it gives Me! You are My children. I have received you in My arms incarnation after incarnation. The pain of seeing you under the pall of darkness will now change into Joy. I know it. My Being knows it and I have waited for so long! Oh, God, thank you. It is a beautiful Joy. It is wonderful. It is a moment immensely beautiful because I see each effort that you do and I sustain you in it so that you may achieve it! Oh children, finally I will be able to say: "You will not go out anymore. Finally I will be able to enfold you forever within Me!"
I AM Mary, Mother Mary, Your Mother. In My Temple I have dressed you with Light for each incarnation and I have seen you return beaten time and time again. Oh God, what a Glorious moment! How much Joy I have in My Heart! This time I will see you return victorious, filled with Light. I wait for you, Children of the ONE, I wait for you! Receive this Love that pulses in My Bosom . Feel it beat in your hearts.
I AM The Mother that waits for the return of Her Children to return Home with their joyful smile of triumph. I AM that Mother. I have seen you leave for this opportunity, and at the time of covering you with My Mantle I felt much joy, because My Being pulsated the force in your Being. I thank the Lord, I felt in my Being the Will of your Beings, your desire of being dressed with Light.
Oh Children, I wait for you! This time a Happy, Joyful wait. I know that the effort to be realized is great but an Embrace of Light comes out of My Being, a sustained Force that will keep you covered with My Love. I await you and I KNOW that this time you will never go out again. I Know that this time you will savor the flavor of the "Honey of the Eternal Life". I know that this time you will reach the ONE dressed in Light. I will place over your Beings the Mantle which Victory has prepared for each one and My Angels will gloriously accompany you this time, joyful of your conquest.
Children, I AM your Sustenance, Your Pillar. Come to Me. My lap is willing to receive your foreheads oppressed by the effort of the search. This time it is definite. Feel the Force of My Being sustaining you. I am committed to each effort that you make. I Am willing to pour on each one My Own and Holy Light so that you may achieve what you want. Feel Me, I AM Your Mother. She who has dressed you time and time again. She who has seen you return with much pain, and how that pain has touched My Breast! Feel Me now Joyful because now Triumph will Be yours, now Victory will Be. I await you. Joyfully in the wait, Joyful will be this return. I wait for you never to see you leave again. This time it will Be so. My Being covers you with the Light of the Love of the MOTHER. The Light Will be in each one. The Truth will Be Glorious and Beautiful.
I AM YOUR MOTHER MARY. I leave My Truth in each one, the Love to each child on Earth, to each Life imprisoned there. The Truth of My Being covers you. Your Mother will receive you Joyfully. I will Joyfully Crown you.
For the ONE Light, for the Liberation of Africa, for its own Liberation, the Light of My Being covers you.
I, Mary, YOUR MOTHER, await you, Free as you are, FREE.
The flowers of the BEING have started to produce their fragrant aroma on the Earth. The pleasant aroma of the Being in each one is now perceived. It is a soft and pleasant incense that is liberated little by little. It is a real, concrete indication that each one has taken the decision to Serve.
Brothers, having realized that the Reason of the Being is to Serve, the next step then is to do it. Surrender yourselves because what other reason is there? None. The Father-Mother is Service because He surrenders Himself in the same measure. What pertains to his children? TO SUBMIT TO SERVE with a submission even more Perfect.
Brothers, this fact might seem impossible but you have to understand that only Perfection takes you to the Father and every submission has to be unconditional, PERFECT. It is a submission with the full knowledge that the "little Being" that lives in each one must manifest the Great BEING that contains EVERYTHING. Then, how can the submission be? half way? No, that is not submission! because if the totality of your bodies do not submit themselves, what would happen? The Being would be suffocated in those dark parts that resist to Serve.
Brothers, the Light is Beautiful, Perfect, and the Being of each one sees that Beauty and wants to express it, to express itself through It. Liberate yourselves there. Don't you see that before you is something Beautiful and a part of you is recreated, that it rejoices, that it is filled? That is the Being, who, because of being imprisoned in the garbage that you have generated for so long, has not been able to express. But now, contemplating this beauty. He feels the beauty reborn in Himself, the Beauty of the BEING, THE ALL BEING.
Brothers, nothing will ever be as important as to let your Being express Himself. Permit Him to be the channel of the ONE because that is His Real function.
Brothers, your personalities should be perfect channels of the BEING, your Being. That is the role of the personality and only in this manner will you be able to achieve your Liberation. You have already delayed very much that role. You have atrophied your Being for waiting so long. Its wish is to express the BEING and if you do not allow it that, what will happen? Oh Brothers, you cannot imagine the pain that it experiences when seeing you delay that submission!, to see you stop again and again in the same point, to see you turn back!
Brothers, it is time! Until when are you going to keep yourselves in that darkness? Isn't what your Being offers more pleasant? Oh Brothers, pull yourselves out of that filthiness! Where has it taken you? To a deep darkness that has only one exit. You can have more darkness or you can turn to Unconditional Service, Unconditional Submission to the ONE Life, so that your Being may express that Pure, Beautiful Life. This must be your choice.
Brothers, many paths can take you to the Earth's dark places and your personalities know them all because it has lived many errors in many of those places for having accepted the invitation of the dark light, and for having yielded to its gallantly. And you have fallen again and again. But enough! Stop your wandering. Nothing will satisfy those insane desires. Don't you understand that your Being is suffocating under all the filthiness that your personalities dump over it?
Brothers, I Love you because I see that your personalities, "apparently powerful", are nothing but children trapped by the dark force in their dirty vestments and dirty tricks. You need much Love to be able to gain again the force in those parts that, knowing that the path is to Serve, insist on wandering around, on delaying the SUPREME SUBMISSION.
Brothers, you are My Brothers, My little Brothers. Wake up. You have played enough, you have disordered everything that could be disordered. There is nothing left to do but to put everything back where it belongs, to gain strength again and free the Being because there, and only there, is its Liberation to be found, the Real Liberation.
Brothers, My Being is filled with that submission because it pertains to My Being to Project the Light of the ONE to each part of Life. You, My little brothers, need to consider your worldly task as finished and surrender yourselves to the Task of the ONE, or should I say finish the "personal tasks" and submit yourselves PERFECTLY, UNCONDITIONALLY, to comply with your DIVINE TASKS, to manifest the Light of the ONE.
Brothers, My Being embraces you with all the Love that is in Him. I Love you. Do not delay the submission. I Love you, and if in the infinity of Time we have seen you born Glorious, we now also want to see you Crown yourselves in Light, arriving before the ONE bathed in His Light.
Brothers, for Love to your Beings, I leave you My Being pulsating in each one that PERFECT SUBMISSION.
Oh Brothers, how Perfect is the Light of the BEING, how Beautiful, How Lovely. Decide to Manifest it. Decide and in that submission the PERFECT LIGHT OF THE ONE will fill each cell of your vehicles and each one will BE LIGHT, ONLY LIGHT.
I Love you, receive this submission as a sample of My Love. It is very small but MY PERFECT MANIFESTATION has always sprung from My Being towards you.
I Am Crystal, PERFECT Manifestation of the ONE, I AM your Sister. I Love you and I make this call for the Glorious Freedom of your Being. Brothers, do not allow darkness anymore over your Beings. Open the door of the prison. Stop keeping yourselves in that absurd position of darkness and death.
Brothers, the Liberation of your Beings must be absolute and you may only achieve it by a TOTAL, UNCONDITIONAL, BEAUTIFUL, PURE AND PERFECT SUBMISSION TO THE ALL BEING.
I AM Crystal. I Love you and for that PERFECT Love OF THE ALL BEING I sustain this call.
Come to the Light, I await you!

When the countdown for an individual commences it is necessary that he liberate the Light imprisoned in His unconscious worlds. If the person consciously desires to clean those worlds, it is necessary to listen to the forces by which he is ruled because desire is not enough. A conscious effort is needed.
Each time that one reaches the emotional body the wounds recorded there emit their darkness and take the Being back to the dark and low worlds. It is now necessary, with a conscious effort, to help the people with these problems to Heal those emotional hang-ups.
The Emotional Body has a fine structure, very changeable, like water, that does not allow itself to be managed but imprints itself on anything it touches. This is why this world is very malleable and this is where the images and the wounds caused in many past lives are recorded. In general, each time the person has images or feelings that bother him, they are generated in this body. Man has strongly recorded negative emotions, especially through repetitive acts, into a subconscious world that acts as a greedy being, thirsty for emotions, absorbing what reaches it and impregnating the Light imprisoned there.
It is necessary that when someone is ready to work in these planes that he first plan how to do it because any symptom of anything that is NOT repercusses as a wave produced by a stone falling in still water. This is a very sensitive area. It can be easily agitated if you are not careful.
Science has cataloged this world as the subconscious mind because it is under the conscious, but it cannot be ignored. Because of being very fluid it reaches and impregnates the rest of the planes. Science still ignores that it is the root of "problems". It is not in external form but goes much deeper, its origin going back to the first eras of Life experiences on Earth. From there sprouted the temporal world, without form, as amorphous as water, but it penetrates and interpenetrates everything.
When Psychiatry begins the process of helping man it asks what has occurred and how to treat it properly, but ignores the underlying root that is imprinted in the subconscious and which has been repeated Life after Life. It is a retrospective action where the analysis must be made: it is the behavior of the person in reference to one or other attitude, repeated time and time again, but that continues from Life to Life. The therapy is wrong because they ignore those
ethereal worlds in which that being imprinted the "records" and memories of each of his lives. If their techniques of the treatment where correct there would not exist so many neurotics, depraved homosexuals, and so many other deviations as reflected in man. The scientific community ignores that the human being is nothing but a channel that reflects and projects in accordance to his actions, Life after Life, that which he has violated, that which he has transgressed, and that which he has perverted. Therapy has up to now limited itself to giving prescriptions of sedatives for the stress and one or another change to the general behavior of the person. But in reality what bothers and affects him has not been touched, the root cause has not been removed and keeps on growing.
When Science takes into consideration the Unity of Life and searches for the root of Creation and the root of the Fall of man, then it will have in its hands the answers to the questions that now confound it, and even more, will have the remedy for the indispositions that afflict man.
To be Scientific is to look for that which the LAW has determined as ORDER and to verify if it is being complied with or has been violated. Every behavior in a person must be looked as a violation or compliance of the Law. When transgressing a law a person's Harmony is broken and this shows in the behavior that the person manifests.
Current Science has forgotten its own roots and wanders doubtfully in the different fields that it touches. If it would return to the origin of each thing and study under the Light of Truth, they would be able to realize that they have mistaken many of the processes of therapy and medication because the origin of all problems sprout from the violation of the Law of Life, the Law of Love.
When a person traveling through Life touches one or another point of the network and breaks or obstructs the correct flow of the Light there, it repercusses in his own nature and remains as a knot or wound in the internal planes. What he has obstructed or perverted is prevented from flowing in his Life until corrected.
The Law must be studied and used as a foundation to understand the behavior of man and treat the points damaged in his network. Man is like a large electrical network that at the moment of having a short in any circuit, is reflected immediately in its behavior. In the moment that the flow of Light is restored, all disorder disappears.
The Law is One: Love is a Uniting Instrument. Love is an instrument of Peace, of Justice, of Order. Love is an instrument of Beauty, Harmony in all of the Divine Qualities.
A person with one or another inadequate behavior concerning one or another attitude has to be treated with a therapy of Love to find out in what part of the network is his problem and restore the damage for the incorrect flow of the Light with Love. Love is the best therapy for the anomalies that man has in the spheres of Life. The roots of all abnormal behavior are printed in the emotional world, in the etheric body with its atrophied memories. When the Psychotherapist comes to the understanding of this process he will able to achieve a true healing in man and bring Harmony to that world that claims the Law of Love, with its healing and comforting effects, with the Liberating effect of those memories, of those wounds that caused so much damage to the human being.
Psychiatry has forgotten its own roots, its own origin, and denies with its errant behavior the real plan of action for which it was created.
The psyche, or the subconscious world, cannot be treated with simple pills or recipes of exercises or walks, but with Love to those dark worlds where remain hidden the causes and origin of the anomalies that man presents.
A real psychiatrist or therapist is one who projects his internal vision towards the dark world that each individual bears. It is not done as a single act of Healing, but also as Love to that Life that calls for help. It is done for Love of Life itself. It is done for Love of the Light, of Beauty and of Harmony. It is done being conscious that the Being has erred in some line in his path through Life and it is necessary to reach that knot with the constancy and perseverance of Love, Liberating it, untying the atrophied memory and closing the wound that suppurates.
When medicine prepares individuals truly capable to fulfill the functions that the Being demands, then the energy will recirculate from one point of the network to another as it should and the diseases that bothers man will disappear because the root will have been removed, the main origin of the disease will have been treated.
To reach the subconscious is not achieved with a simple treatment of medicine and searching chit-chat, but by translating into a true action that which the doctor, psychiatrist or therapist has to know: The Law of Love and its liberating effect on the dark worlds within man.
Modern medicine has to retake its Path of Service because it has taken a big turn away from the principle for which it was created. Science has to look for the root causes and with the Law in hand, prove it works through a True Therapy and through the correct application of It. It has to remember again the One and Universal Light, Love as the Source of Life, of Harmony, of Beauty, of Liberation and of Equilibrium.
Clearly all human beings are connected together in this world and from it comes all the problems and humors that causes man so many problems. Love has been violated as the Law of Life and Harmony. When the Light is reestablished with its correct and rhythmical flow in the worlds of the unconscious, these problems, which are fed there with Divine Energy, will again allow man's Light to flow and the people can return to their real purpose in Life. The Law of Love as therapy for the emotional, etheric and subconscious world is the only one that can liberate man from these sicknesses that plague him. A person that has decided to liberate the energy imprisoned there and make it circulate as it should, with its rhythmic balanced interchange towards each part of the network, must be a person capable with the Law of Love and be able to reestablish the Light in those dark worlds that suffocate man. It is a Conscious Service; it is an Unconditional Submission, it is a Divine Submission to Love acting as a Liberating agent in those worlds, because it is necessary to Love the procreator of the anomaly to be able to bring the Light out of him and give it Freedom through the network.
Psychiatry somewhat understands this, but which psychiatrist actually surrenders to the Love of Service required? None! because they have submitted themselves to the love of money that their profession produces for them instead of the true cause of Service.
All essence imprisoned in the etheric worlds of the subconscious must be Loved to be able to be Liberated. It must be blessed and treated with the Liberating Essence of Love so that the monster that incarcerates it feels the Love and frees it.
It is clearly an Impersonal Service because the person has to be very conscious of what is needed from the Angelic and Elemental Forces to reach the nucleus and Love where the problem causing the pain. It is the Love for Life, Love for Light, Love for Love. When a person becomes conscious that it is not him, but it is the Light which flows and sows the Love in those worlds, that because of this he must permit the Glorious Presence of Love to lead his work, he will be able to begin to clean his own worlds and to Love that which remains to be Loved in others.
He has to be very conscious that he is only a channel of the Cosmos, of the Light, of Love, and that through him will flow towards those worlds the necessary Light for Love to restore those damaged parts of the network. Love Liberates problems and allows the Light to return to its normal rhythm, establishing the Rhythmic Balanced Interchange with each point of the network.
It is necessary to become conscious of this because only in this manner will you be able to restore "the health" of the person asking for your help. It is necessary to be very conscious of the process that must be used to be able to reach those worlds. It is to Love Life and surrender the self as a channel so that the necessary energy will flow to restore what is damaged. It is to permit Love with Its marvelous Balsam to mold the Light in those dark worlds and restore Order. It is a Service dedicated in Love to the rest, to each part of Life, and to Love those worlds that hold the Light trapped.
It is necessary that the person dedicated to this work surrender unconditionally in the Hands of Love so that through him the Liberating Essence is re-established in the worlds of the subconscious, allowing the flow of the Light that the Being calls for and claims for the work.
It is a Service dedicated for Love to each part of Life. It is an Unconditional submission. It does not require anything but Love, only Love, and Its Liberating Essence will flow. It flows and puts the kiss of Light there where the wound festers, there where memory remains trapped and blocks the flow of Light. This requires an Unconditional Service, a Total Submission.
The Key of the etheric bodies of the subconscious worlds are deposited in the hands of those who dedicate their Life to the Service of Love, of Life, to the Service of Light. Each memory remains in a man's genes, in his own genetic code and the translator will translate from there that which is required to reestablish Order, from a Light point to a Light Child, for the Unconditional submission to the love of Life, to love Love, to love the Light of the Glorious Presence, as the One Source of Light, which is Beautiful and True.
From the One Source of Love, from the True Light of the BEING, from the Primogenitor Monad, from the Eternal I AM will flow to the person that submits to this Service the necessary energy to Liberate problems and repolarize the dark Light in the Pure and Divine Light of Love. The True Source of Light, projecting itself in Love and for Divine Service of the Light, this is what heals. The truth remains in the planes of Total Love towards those worlds of the subconscious, in conscious submission to the Harmony, projecting as the Light of Love to all Life, the Only Source of the BEING.
From the Principle Law of Unity, of Truth, of Love, and of Liberation, I surrender to the Pillar of Love the essential premises to reach the subconscious world and establish there the Liberating Light of Love as the principal element in the treatment of the atrophied memories in the emotional and etheric worlds where the Being remains trapped.
I will reconsecrate the Light Bodies of him who dedicates himself to Love the Light trapped in those dark worlds. I will dedicate My Own Light of Truth over that Being, so that for Love of Life he be able to Liberate and for the Law of Truth to act in those dark worlds.
For the Healing with a real treatment for the original causes that has taken man to his current conditions of ignorance and darkness.
For the Real Divine Healing, with the Love to each part of Life and Its Liberating Energy of the Light of the Being.
I AM Hilarion. I offer Myself as mediator for the Light to flow in those worlds and to establish primordial order there: the Fountain of Truth, of Harmony, of Love, as therapy for the man in search of Light. Love is a healing element. Love is a Liberating element. Love is therapy for the flesh and each of the vehicles of man that remains chained by error.
I AM yours, a Faithful Servant.

The Motive Force of thought has its seat in the subconscious world where the memories are stored, going back to the first images implanted in the brain. It is like a movie that is repeated over and over, because man has lost access to the Mental Light Body. In reality this body is occupied by these stored entities that stand in competition among themselves, being manifested through one or another idea of the person. By having obstructions in the flow of Divine Energy, the Coronary Chackra does not emit Light and therefore all the creations that man has stored in this path remain there, nourishing themselves with the attention given to them.
When a person feels himself harassed by very fixed ideas or images, he develops a strong desire to know the reason of it. From this condition can come the unbalanced state because for the persistence of one or another image or thought that is rooted in the brain's mental screen and can martyr the man that sustains it. Psychotherapy is born because of these problems, with the aim of helping man to understand his processes of thought and work with them in the identification and search for the cause of origin. With this analysis appears the help to the man suffering due to one or another image or thought. The true therapy appears from the help rendered to the person, by making him understand the processes that are followed in the subconscious mind and making him understand the root cause of one or another behavior.
This result may be reached for Love of those held in the ignorance of their Primordial Origin, for Love to the Light imprisoned in them, for Love to the Being, for Love to Man, because with the Fall of man he printed on the screen of the subconscious mind all his errors, their causes and their effects, and they still pulse over him now. All of his fixations come from this source. They are well hidden, supporting the dark Light over the Being.
When a person surrenders himself to the Service of helping others he first must have reached a comprehension of his own nature. He may, having already defined his origin and the causes of his own problems, and having understood and learned to love in himself the root causes that pour out over his conscious part, then, having recognized and accepted everything, he can begin a Liberating work with other people because by the resemblance of origin the "film" is the same. It is an almost exact copy from one being to another. Only actions or images or thoughts have been recorded, some with more strength than others, depending on the grade of identification given them. In some cases the being identifies or calls attention to one or more images which allow that
image or thought to flow in the mental screen of the person for him to recognize the mistake and ask for help. In that case he goes to a specialist called a psychiatrist, psychologist or doctor, it does not matter, because in reality what the Being is looking for is redemption for those mistakes, and if this specialist has recognized and understood what has tormented the patient and defined the form, how and when to work it out, he has recognized the Law and has applied it in his world and can then be of help. The person called a specialist of medicine, if he has not gone through this process for himself, is not in a position of helping anyone because he does not know the origin, the root of his own indisposition, and does not know how to heal himself. Then, how can he heal another if he does not know first how to heal his own problem that is the same as the person that comes to him seeking help?
This concept is very important because for a person to make a decision to help in one or another field, he must know and recognize in himself the cause and origin of that field's related problems. It is said: The Being attracts to Life and he will attract towards himself that which bothers him. If he has begun the correct therapy on himself, and when people come to him looking for help, he will know by his own experience what treatment will give good results. Therefore, he who does not understand the causes of the anomalies that bothers him may not submit himself to heal another because it would be a great deceit. But if the person has recognized and accepted his own problems for himself, and he knows and applies the Law, then he can help to re-establish Order in others by consciously applying the Law to them.
All this takes Us to the treatment that man really needs. Medical Science has forgotten that every cause has its roots in the deep recesses of that world called the subconscious mind, and often find they cannot heal the anomalies that they see in their patients. They have forgotten that by having broken the Law of Harmony, this violation is manifested as a disorder in one or another of man's vehicles. Even more, doctors ignore the existence of other bodies behind the physical and they want to "heal"only that which they see with treatments directed to the physical environment, which is nothing but a projector of the anomalies in the other planes of the Being. That is why medicine is finding itself with more and harder problems to solve, because they ignore that man is something else besides flesh and bone. When a man understands that he is not only matter he will then search further and beyond his mental plane for the cause to his behavior and expressions.
Only when the person works consciously at being a channel through which is poured many negative as well as positive expressions, and he knows their root and origin and knows how to confront them, then he can help others to find the answers to their questions that they urgently seek.
A person in knowledge of the Law and how to apply it in one moment or another can re-establish Order in the chaos that man now suffers. Only he who has understood his own nature and has learned to Love it for what it is, and has liberated the ties that had kept his being in darkness, may help those who ask and clamor for help. Only in this manner can he Serve as a channel to those forces that Serve to re-establish the broken Harmony and restore Order, to sow the Light in man's dark worlds and those energies that martyr man.
The True Fountain and Origin of man cannot be ignored any longer. The origin of his anomalies cannot be hidden anymore. It can no longer be ignored that by having erred in one Life or another, that error continues to pulse in each and searches for redemption for that part of Life violated by ignorance.
All disorder, disharmony, indisposition in all of the bodies of man have their cause in the Fall, in the error committed long ago by yielding to temptation and going against the Divine Principles given by the Father at the moment of Creation. From here emanates every anomaly. It is the Supreme Cause which becomes greater and greater because of the ignorant acts of man as he continues to print on the screen of the subconscious that which causes pain and hurts the sensibility of the person when he centers on the mental and emotional world that surrounds him. Everything radiates from there, from that etheric world that has been imprinted, as on a film, all the mistakes made Life after Life, and when they are projected over the screen of the consciousness, the person repels them and that originates the anomalies that take him to seek help.
If man recognized that this is the origin of all his indispositions and faces himself, accepting that the mistakes must be healed, and he searches for the appropriate method, then that man will start to Liberate himself from those chains that disturb him. By recognizing the cause of the error and asking forgiveness for it, he starts to apply the Law in his world. Science has ignored these principles and because of ignorance has been dedicated to apply treatments useless for the indispositions that can only be healed with Love to the Life trapped in the misery of man's past mistakes. Only with Love and the recognition that each one has contributed in these conditions, so deep and dark, may a person help another.
I offer you the true therapy to be applied in those disturbing worlds: The Law of Forgiveness, with its healing effects on the wounds that bleed in the emotional Body and with its action on the etheric worlds, untying the imprisoned memories. The recognition that there is only one Father-Mother and the obedience of His Law can cause those worlds to be liberated. It is
necessary that the person who has determined to himself to correct his indispositions and the ones of others understands that it started with ignorance, and to recognize that the cause of the sicknesses that bothers humanity comes from the violations committed there.
Divine Justice yields the Law of Forgiveness and its Liberating effect when the Original Sin and Fall in rebellion to the ONE Cause is recognized. It is not necessary to expand the theme, but I recommend for each one to seek inside that cause and to recognize it for what it is. From it comes the Liberating Love and Its effect to each part imprisoned in darkness because it is necessary to love as much of the violated part as well as the violator, Liberating the Light imprisoned in those dark places that emit the memories that cause him so much harm.
There is a Principle that says: "Know the Truth and it will set your Free". I offer you this Truth but it is necessary for you to now Love that darkness created by your unconscious acts and gain from it the Light that will cut Free the ties that hold you down. Understand that each thought and image that reaches your screens are emanations of those dark worlds inhabited by entities created by the mistake of your past unconscious acts. Now with this comprehension you will realize that those creatures have to be Loved as your own children, because each one of you have created them and you will only be able to Free them with the Law of Love. Meditate deeply on what is exposed here and you will understand the cause of these anomalies and their treatment, the real treatment that has to be applied to heal the wounds, to erase the mistakes and to restore Order and Harmony in those dark worlds.
The Law of Love must be applied with Its Liberating Force over the subconscious world, loving both the cause and the effect. With this knowledge you will not permit an error to cause more harm. "Know the Truth and It will set you Free". I offer it to you. Accept it and Liberate yourselves from that dark and pestilent world that suffocates man, making him clamor for help. Offer it to them with the full knowledge of the effect, its cause and the solution, and the application of the Law as Light, Loving the part imprisoned, Liberating the Life imprisoned, and Loving the jailer and the victim, offering them Pure and perfect Light as Love to Life.
Only Love with its Pure and Beneficent healing Forces can illuminate the subconscious worlds and allow Life to feel again the Harmony in each one of its parts, with the entire network glowing from the Liberating effect of Love.
So be the Light of Love, the Force that causes man to manifest the Freedom of Being, of acting with the comprehension that God is the Only Power, God is the Only Doer, God is the Only Truth. God is the Only Law because God is Love with His Pure and Perfect Fountain of Total Perfection, and in HIM, ONLY IN HIM, is Harmony Total.
For the New Era to have its foundations in Truth and Perfection the infinite Love of the Father-Mother Love has to flourish in the worlds that man calls the subconscious mind. They are nothing but the planes that he has to conquer and master again to reach the ONE Presence, to be able to bathe himself in His Pristine and Pure Light, never to leave again. Let that be the Fountain of Light that encourages you to begin your own outpouring of Love on the Life that pulses and clamors for redemption in the dark worlds of ignorance. So Be It.
The Law of Love as the Unique Fountain of Harmony and Perfection, of Truth and Light Illuminates the Path, and is its own Law of Action.

The shock wave caused from the process of Manifestation in the subconscious starts the process to seek help when assistance is needed in that world. This "condition" contains that which in general terms is unknown to the individual and for this reason it is thought to be some foreign phenomenon. The terminologies given to these processes that perturbs the individual are so inaccurate that it should shame the supposed doctors or psychiatrists, and in their ignorance they have compounded the problem by making the wounds even worse. In Truth, because of their ignorance they do not search in the subconscious mind where is found the root of any problem that man manifests.
The dual nature of the human being must be understood as a better indicator than the abnormal process that he manifests, because his duality and imbalance produce those phenomena that confuses Science.
Current medicine does not consider within its curriculum the study of those aspects that so profoundly affect man. Science has forgotten that man is made up of both the dense and the fine bodies, and that this last one is not seen nor touched, but yet it largely influences the dense matter that forms man. The search must be there because here originates everything and from it flows a disharmonious manifestation towards the physical, or it is manifested in the Psyche, as it is called. If Science would study these phenomena in a more natural way, then would Science be able to enter in the field that in truth contains the root of every illness. To come back to human nature is to take a great step; it is to open the door that takes you to the very nucleus where work must be done. All technology is absurd in this field because no machine will give a lecture of what happens as a normal process in the subconscious world. I call it a normal process because it is nothing else but the violation of a Law which searches to be corrected. This premise is so simple and yet so hard to accept.
If you think of the dual principle: matter - antimatter, positive - negative, you will see that man is like that and that there is always a third conciliating force that causes the balance between the other two.
If we look at it from the commercial field, we see that there is a statement of accounts in which the balance must correspond to the ingress and expenditures. Even simpler yet, there must be an equilibrium between the positive and the negative, which gives the neutral. This is the true condition of man, where there is no debit, where the balance is neither a negative or
positive, where the equal weights balance. But, what happens when man has a balance against him? Well, this is what starts all types of disagreements. Let's consider then that the current world situation with humanity is in a condition of chaos because its balance shows very significantly an unbalance between one world and the other, between one condition and the other. Then, what must be done to correct it? It has been indicated before but let's go back to the process of the Law. If, because of an imbalance in a person or if an abnormal or paranormal process is observed, this indicates that he is out of balance, which means he owes the bank (LIFE), therefore he has to start canceling his pending debts. How to proceed? No doubt there are very few capable of acting in this field and we see how relatively high is the percentage of human beings with "problems" in relation to those individuals conscious of the process; however, it cannot be said: "Then we cannot do anything". Of course it can be done! What is important is that the individual that has entered in a process of internal awakening and has started to work on himself, and by the Law of Unity with each part of Life, and if he has understood the process itself, he may apply it to whomever comes to him looking for an explanation to his problem.
With this I do not want to say that the field of medicine or psychiatry must be abandoned, of course not! Humanity, in its consciousness, is actively complying with the part that corresponds to it. But I make this call to those individuals that have entered in the processes of internal analysis and that in one way or another have reached the true root of their sickness. I make this call to him who, by virtue of his internal awakening, has understood that the disorders, anomalies or whatever you want to call them that have become manifested in him are due to the internal and external imbalance because one is the result of the other.
To you who has understood that process I tell you: Brother, the Law is one and simple. The Unity from where we come dressed our Bodies with a Pure and Perfect Light. They were dressed with Love. Very well, if you have understood this, and even more, if you have accepted it, you will understand then that by erring, those same bodies lost the Purity and Perfection and the result is what is manifested in the physical world you see today, or in the psyche, according to one or another behavior.
Brother, I talk to you that have understood you are not only dense and gross matter; to you who have felt inside of you that call from that very fine part trapped in the darkness due to past errors and due to the fall. To you I say: the Law of Love has been violated and must be re-established. You will ask me: How? I say: When an individual has understood that he was dressed in Light at the time of Creation by the One Fountain of ALL LIFE and that, now that Life is not manifesting well in the vehicles or bodies that he possesses he must make a call; he must ask for the reason for being as he is; if he knows, then he must work to restore again the beauty to that delicate body that demands the Order that was broken at man's fall.
To you who have understood, I tell you: You must Love your mistakes and their effects because only in this way will you be able to equalize the balance. You have to be able to conjugate these two forces. Antagonistically they are only one. You have to make Love conciliate them and restore the Unity, restore that Order that you need so much. Apparently it is very hard, right? but if you understand that as it is inside, it is outside, and as it is above, it is below, you will see the analogy between your bodies because it is not a body. You will notice the correspondence and you will understand what cause takes you from one state to another, from one action to the other.
In the current world there have appeared many lines or schools of advanced thought that translate one or another line of behavior, but I tell you: it does not matter what pattern you follow because you are covered by the same Essence that has given origin to you all. It does not matter what your ideas are about the religious, scientific, material or spiritual aspects. It does not matter. What counts is if you have understood the internal and external processes, to work on them, to equalize the balance and return a little bit of the Law to Life. You want to have an even balance, and you may then remember what you were told at the moment of your Creation.
Ah! You don't believe you have something specific to do? Ah! That is the problem, you see? Or do you think you are in this plane only to satisfy your appetites? Oh no, that's not the reason for your existence! Your reason is one very elevated, high above all the situations in which you perform! From ignoring your own reason of Being comes the problems that are reflected in your physical Being, in your environment, in your family, in all your surroundings. Seek then your Reason for Being and according to it work on yourself, and then you will see that you can work with it and for whom. You are the one who has to know the reasons for your being here! Nobody can give you that answer because nobody else besides you knows it! That answer is there in your subconscious and pulses in one or another manner, but you, for being identified with the external world do not listen, do not see, and does not feel what that subtle body is trying to tell you.
Brothers, I tell you: Each one has been created for a beautiful and impersonal purpose which is there in your Causal Body. It demands attention from you and that is why when there are anomalies that you cannot explain, you want to go to the "specialist", but you do not find the solution to the indisposition that bothers you. Then you have the questions of why these things are happening, right? Look for the answer in yourself, study yourself, be your
own specialist. I have already given you the pattern and reason for disharmony. You violated the Law; now you have to balance your accounts and that is why, time and time again the same problems will return to you for which you have no explanation, but that are telling you where the problem is. Seek then to heal them and how to settle your accounts, how to bring yourself up to date with Life, how to order your chaos.
It is all a subconscious process towards the conscious mind for man to wake up and take a direction for his actions, to know his bodies and TO RECOGNIZE HE WHO CREATED HIM, TO DECIDE ONCE AND FOR ALL, TO DO WHAT HE WAS COMMITTED TO DO AT THE MOMENT OF HIS CREATION. It is so, Brothers, it is so. Every process that comes from the subconscious is manifested to wake man, for him to recognize and begin to settle his pending accounts. Then, how can somebody that ignores this help you? How can he help you to draw the veils that hide you from the Truth? Remember that you are the only one that knows the cause and effect of your being and it corresponds to you to work to make those answers known to you. Only you can and must bring out of your memories: YOUR REASON OF BEING.
Brothers, you now know much of the efforts of the subconscious worlds, where the atrophied memories of past lives remain recorded, where the wounds of mistaken acts that were manifested by the emotions can be found, or of obsessive or very strong ideas in your mental plane, or by one or another anomaly in your physical body. You will understand that all this has a common origin because humanity is oppressed for all the reasons that you know very well. But I talk to that Being that has started the process of awaking and to him I say: Only the recognition of the errors and the compliance of the Law corrects them, and the compliance of its dispositions can give you the answers of why you are in this plane.
Brothers, work on yourself because if you ignore the reasons of what is happening to you, even less you will be able to help others to know theirs. I tell you that only with Love will you understand why and what makes you look beyond the external for the answers that can help you to see the path you travel clearly. Now is your best opportunity to work on yourself and to be able to know the Reason of your Being. Be ready to realize it, to fulfill it.
Then, I tell you: "Let’s go, the Path awaits you. There are many brothers that can find in you the force and the Light to help them alleviate their indispositions".
I tell you brother, you have found the answer and you have decided to work on that which you were requested. Then you will be ready to give a hand to the one that comes looking to you for help. In any other manner you are only an obstacle because instead of pouring the Light over the one searching for it, you will do nothing but darken him with your own ignorance.
To all those brothers that have understood their Reason of Being, I tell you: If you offer yourselves as Fountains of Light to those searching, the Path will be tortuous; but if you have understood that Love is the Only Fountain from where you can drink, to heal your own wounds and those of others, I then Bless your vehicles and I tell you: dedicate yourselves to the Impersonal Work that you must do and you will have forever in Eternity the Fresh Water that Love offers you as the Fountain of Life, of health, AS THE FOUNTAIN OF ETERNAL LOVE TO EACH LIFE THAT TOUCHES YOU.
So that it becomes a Real and Divine Submission to the Fountain of Love, may the Light bathe each of your bodies in the offering to the Path of Service.
In Love to the ONE Fountain that has Created Us, I Bless your tabernacles.
A Brother, HILARION.

The mental screen presents to the individual those things with which he must work to clean and redeem. It is a world that he pours over the conscious mind, the dark processes that have been established Life after Life on the "film" that records the actions of each being. When this is understood, the individual is capable of Liberating himself from those worlds and the darkness that is presented there.
In daily activities, frequently there come ideas and thoughts that would seem to have no relation with the individual and the activity with which he is involved. But it is not so, because if they appear in those moments it means that the individual must work on them to Liberate the Light imprisoned there. When they appear like that on the screen (images, thoughts, desires), calm yourself down and meditate on that which you understood and invoke the Liberating Action of Love. Accept your own as well as others' creations which arrive to be redeemed. Then, Love them and Liberate them. Give them what you desire so much, in Love and for Love of Life.
It is necessary to be very alert to these processes and not to identify with the self, but to recognize that it is something imprisoned that requires to be attended to, where Love can act to Liberate; not identification, but acceptance and Liberation.
In the majority of the situations the film is projected through other individuals in a direct and precise manner. You can see yourself in those moments and there ask for forgiveness for what is seen and felt through the reflection of "yourself" in another person . These are great opportunities to Liberate the Currents of Life that surround you, and besides, it breaks the influence of what is seen in others. Analogous situations occur when the individual has repeated wounds that come from the emotional world. These are wounds that are opened in that body under the effects of an action or word from the one who executes it or allows something of that nature to come through him.
All these facts are given out, but it is necessary for the individual to recognize them and work on himself. He must recognize and accept that he has contributed to create those dark worlds.
To recognize and to accept is a great step, but it is also necessary to work consciously on that which is pulsing there. It is necessary to work there with the Force of Love and to decree the Light in those worlds. When it is recognized that there is as much fault in one as in the other, that everything comes from a single Nucleus and affects everyone equally, and that until it is not decided to begin with the redeeming tasks of those worlds, they will continuously emit their pestilent emanations. But if you decide to act and dedicate yourself to redeem the Light imprisoned in you, it will be necessary for you to be alert and not permit anything to divert your attention or infect more the worlds of the one who acts as observer. It is so; to be an observer of a movie and to work on those points that affect directly or indirectly. It is a conscious work; it is a work of submission; it is a work where error is recognized, but you must not identify yourself with it; just Love it and Liberate it. And for the action to reach those points, it is necessary for the spectator to consciously direct the Force of Love towards those worlds and to decree over them His Liberating Light. When doing this, you must not forget that Life will attract towards itself that Free element and will balance with it that which is asked to be restored in it.
To act as a Liberating agent does not necessarily imply to be all day on a waiting plan, but to be alert to what arrives and touches your worlds, because there, in those small intervals, is when the force penetrates in the mental and emotional worlds of the individual. In those moments is when you must work. The seed that penetrated is very small but grows rapidly and is fed on by the weak parts in the individual. Any infectious process must be cut out right away before it grows and becomes a sickness of greater proportions that later on will be very difficult to treat.
Life contains within itself, as it is said, the wound and the medicine. It depends on the individual if he wishes to continue with the wound or to apply the medicine that he knows how to use, and that may stop the growth of the pustule, and even more, that can heal it definitely. You cannot continue being a masochist by accepting infected thoughts within your own territory of action. It is time that he who is conscious of those processes work on himself and on the producing agent, considering him as a part of himself but identified outside. It is time for each one to clean your cups and to heal those wounds that persist with Love, to heal those manifestations. It is necessary not to treat the projections of the etheric as mass creations because each one must now work on them as his own particular creations. It does not mean that you have to identify yourself with that which is manifested, on the contrary, it is to start to retreat into your nucleus and there to clean to the maximum that which is projected and reflected, that which is manifested as discordant within the surroundings of your own lives. You may not ignore the whole because it receives the beneficial effects of that particular redeeming task that you perform.
The facts that belong to you as individuals are very specific; each has a very definite sphere of action, so work there, and when you feel that something touches your worlds, recognize that it is not of your own action; Love it and Liberate it, without allowing it to take root in the field that you have cleaned and prepared for a planting of Love for Love.
Brothers, understand My words because within the territory of your action there are very specific situations that affect you while others do not for the reason of Unity of Life. These elements sometime touch your door seeking recognition that they might be redeemed there. Accept this opportunity. Accept this opportunity of Service and Liberate what arrives within the territory of your lives, for Love to the Life that covers you. It is necessary that each individual who has recognized the error which took him to the Fall work consciously, because in this way he will cut the etheric roots of that focus and will attract towards him the corresponding virtue.
To Love each dark nucleus that touches you is to Liberate it in the Light towards the spheres of Love and to give Light to that Life. It is an opportunity to work with more Light over the human being that has fallen so much.
Do not think that I ignore how hard and difficult is this task, but it is necessary that each one begins with himself to fortify his weak parts by recognizing his error, reducing his strength to raise up and continue on the Path of Light that corresponds to him. Understand that if you have been clustered around an idea and you have decided to make an effort to clean your worlds of your own creations, then many elements will come to you within the territory of your auras looking for redemption. Love them, and for Love, Liberate them to Life, charged with the Blessing of the Light.
Brothers, it is necessary for you to be alert; there is no doubt that you will attract many negative Currents to your worlds. I ask you to constantly be alert and to center yourselves in your specific task. Many will want to steal the beautiful Light that you now possess. You must maintain yourselves as a Uniting Force and create from it your force of Fortitude; it will alert you to that which comes to perturb and steal your forces. Be alert, because even if you must love the darkness, you must be alert of the methods that it uses to decentralize you and to steal your forces. One thing is to redeem those dark worlds that clamor for redemption and another is to identify yourself with that element and allow it to enter into your worlds. Each one knows very well where he has erred and how the divisive elements work in your worlds. Be alert and work with Love over that which arrives seeking redemption.
The subconscious worlds make their humors to flow very subtly towards the conscious plane, but if you are alert no single element, no matter how fine it is, will be able to penetrate the barrier of protection that you have
placed within your lives. The film is in constant motion, but, pity to him who identifies himself with one or another image that is projected because he will remain without energy, and the effort to recuperate it will be very large, the pain of having opened the doors to what captures his attention will remain.
Brothers, maintain yourselves within your purpose; it is beautiful and deserves all your energies to be poured there, to achieve it and so to comply with the Divine Doer. Do not allow more garbage in your worlds. He who arrives to it must be willing to work in unison with you. I do not want to say that you are ignorant of the Life that surrounds you, on the contrary, you must be very conscious that each one is now a bearer of much Light and this must be protected for the benefit of the whole.
With all the information given about the subconscious worlds, you may take from them the necessary Light to work more consciously in your circle of action. It is necessary for each one to understand that in your physical environment you must respond in the measure that your internal bodies feel their Freedom, because each one must act with them in the spheres that Life takes you. That is why you must work consciously, because it is necessary that your conscious planes feel the effect of the Freedom that the subconscious worlds experience. It is not for me to tell you what your problems are or about your fall, but if I ask you, it is because each one already knows to work there and in a conscious projection pour the Liberating effect of Love over Life.
Your physical tabernacles must feel the beneficent effect of conscious work in the internal planes. It is also necessary to vibrate in unison with them. A total harmony must be manifested in each of your vehicles and for that a constant and conscious work is required; only in this manner will you be able to harmonize them and work as a perfect unity on the Path of the Life that calls you.
The Truth has to shine always in your worlds and Love is the basis for It to be manifested. It is necessary to start removing those ties that have your memories trapped and that from your Light Bodies flow towards the conscious plane the Blessings that the ALL BEING gave to each one at the moment of his Creation.
As you can see, these are general dispositions over the bodies or lower vehicles, but it is necessary that each one studies and meditates on them because you must start to become conscious of each and act as a Liberated and Liberating Unity.
May the Peace of Love enfold you in each of your actions and operates as a Liberating action over each of the etheric, emotional and mental ties that now impair your functions. The time to Serve has come and it is necessary to be prepared internally as well as externally. I will prepare in each one that part that so beautifully is willing to Serve as Mediator between your actions, from one to another vehicle, until you act only as a Conscious Unity. It is necessary to understand that Life demands that you be able to travel in it. This is achieved through your conscious effort and your conscious Love for each part of the Life imprisoned in each one. The need that has taken you to group yourselves under a same pattern of action must be strengthened. It must not operate as a need anymore, but as an uniting agent in its actions. You are now Members of a Body that will build the basis for a New World and it is necessary that you look at each other as brothers, even more, as members that operate for the action of one in the other. Unity gives you Life for Love of UNITY and offers you the opportunity to redeem your accounts with Life. Accept being Servants of the Cohesive Force of Love and it will flourish as Life itself: Unity for Love to each part of Life.
Open yourselves as fragrant flowers of Love and offer yourselves to the Life that calls you to Serve. Be the Torch that carries Freedom and Crown the Victory in Impersonal Service towards Life, in Love and for Love to the Original idea that each one pulsates. The Force is in the Union and the Matrix that sustains you. Offer the reconsecration of your vehicles day by day and in Holy Communion with the Highest, dedicate yourselves as Mediators of your Light towards each part of the Life that cries, moans and clamors for Freedom.
Remember that the Unity has admitted you as elements ready to Serve with Love as food, as a motive force and action of the Light that in each of your bodies must comply with redeeming action. The will to Serve places you as a point of support to move the Earth towards the definitive conquest of its Liberation.
The hour covers you. Multiply Its action over each action that you start. Offer your Tabernacles as a Divine Chest so that the Presence of Love lives in it and becomes the Fountain that feeds each of your actions.
Because of this beautiful Hour in which you must Serve, I will Bless each one of your bodies as you do the Holy Will of the ALL BEING.
May the Glorious Light of Love pour on each of your bodies the Pure and Perfect Divine Harmony, and may the Interchange with Life take you to master the Light Nucleus that awaits you.

The earth is crossing a rough and hard path with man seeing darkness being increased each day more because he does not seek the light burning inside in his Temple (BODY). In asking for illumination man forgets that within him inhabits the Perfect Presence and that his communication with Him is constant. Drunk in the ignorance that covers him, man is satisfied with his apparent search for Truth. It is apparent because, EVERY TRUTH permits him to see the Presence of the Light of each person and, based on this, to see the Truth in everything that surrounds man.
Regrettably, man has forgotten his true path and on curved roads searches for the straight path which is in front of him. He fights in vain against his own creations and does not realize that the fight is useless because he does not have the Light of the Truth at hand. Every road takes him to a greater circle of internal failure and due to it He directs all his poison towards those that have been able to see the light This is nothing else but poison that results from his ignorant acts, and out of his darkness it comes slithering out as a poisonous reptile, attacking everyone who tells him: "This is the Path, come". Everything he has is nothing else but resentment generated by his own ignorance. Unfortunately, there are many individuals like this, that after having tasted the flavor of honey have rejected it, and generate only gall and bitterness with which they pour on those that they Love calling it the Path of Love. They have resentments against their own incapability of recognition and acceptance. They have something like a vacuum around the heart that does not allow the Manifestation of Love; everything comes out translated in bitterness and pain poured towards others.
Lamentably, there are many beings like this, suffocating themselves in their dark creations which are so limited that they see only the evil in others and not in themselves. It is something that constrains the heart of everything they have understood and of seeing the Path clearly; but, what can be done for them? Oh, Sons! I invite you now to pour your Love over those Currents of Life that thirst for acceptance (Unity) and hurt themselves with that which they pour over others. It is nothing else but poison poured over themselves. I call you, for the Love of Life, to outpour to him from your own hearts, from that divine caudal of Love, and to satisfy the thirst that holds that small being trapped in darkness.
Oh Sons of the Light! It is a terrible evil; call it darkness, hatred or whatever. It is ignorance because you are not taking into consideration the Divine part that remains imprisoned in that dark jail. He only sees the wrong, not his own but that of others; that is, his own wrong is poured over the ones who are the closest to Him. Oh ignorance, how cruel you are! What a horrible jailer you are!
I ask all those Currents of Life that have understood and recognized the masks that ignorance uses to be alert and not be confused by those tricks because you, too, are individuals used to sowing discord and separativity wherever you go. Do not identify yourselves with theses entities at any time and ask forgiveness for that which is shown to you as your own error. Recognize that you are a medium through which Life offers you the opportunity to settle your accounts in your Current of Life.
Sons, I make this call of the heart because I understand that it is still hard to recognize the parts in which darkness hides stealing your forces. They are very subtle tricks and you have to be very alert to all which does not have the seal of Love. The lamb is a pacific and Serviceable being, while the wolf is very astute and cruel. Learn to distinguish them well because the wolf uses many costumes, but in the long run you will discover what is behind his ways. I call you to understand many of these tricks have been used by each of you and therefore, for you they have a known flavor. When identifying them ask for forgiveness, recognize and liberate that point in the network where it is stored. Understand that this is your job and you should not put it aside because of resentment or ignorance. You should be acting like the one that comes to you offering the opportunity to redeem your debts.
Be alert and Love each other above all else because Love Liberates and does not enclose. Love and bless that imprisoned essence. Love it and for its Light offer yourselves as lambs on the altar of Love for the blood of sacrifice to wash the sins of the world. As Mother I see the mistakes and the way of correcting them. I offer you, in the name of Love, the opportunity to redeem your debts. Now more than ever you must be alert but allowing Love to flow imprinting its kiss on that imprisoned part of he who comes looking for redemption for himself and for Life. Understand that only in this way will you give Love the opportunity to grow.
Each one is now offered the opportunity to become aware of where he is trapped in his relation with the rest and, therefore, you must take advantage of it to the maximum possible. Be a Liberator by sending from your Current of Life the Love that heals and cures the wounds of Life and which returns to each one through those who knock at your door. Sacrifice yourselves on the Altar of Love conscious that it is a sacrifice in Benefit of the Light so that your Current of Life may reconnect each point of the network and project Divine Harmony towards each part of the Life that remains in darkness.
I call you to meditate on this and according to the Truth that Love presents to you, to seek that Light imprisoned inside of you and Liberate it. Give Love to the Current of Life that shows you your mistake, and Love and surrender to Love for the Truth that remains hidden in the darkness enfolding the Being. Only in this way will you be able to repair the network and complete the part of the Cosmic Tapestry that corresponds to you.
For Love and Truth did the Beloved Die. For his Truth you should die and sacrifice yourselves on the altar of the Highest. For the Love of Truth that is the Light, so that it may shine and in the same manner that it resurrected, may each one revive from your own sacrifice and see the marvelous and beautiful Light of Love. Understand that only with a conscious sacrifice can you Liberate your own Current of Life. It is to Love consciously the darkness that shows itself to you, Liberating it for Love of the Light that it hides.
Love is the Essence that cures the wounds, not only yours but others, and through Service to others are healed your own wounds. You only have to understand that each is used as a medium or channel to show each Current of Life where His error is and the Light of truth that is hidden there. You must be able to see the mask and recognize what is behind it. At the same time you will see how Love shows you, with each step you take, how you reach the most beautiful heights Free from darkness. It is to conquer the top of the mountain little by litter so that from there you will be able to see how the Sun rises without clouds to hide it. That is your own sun and your Beings conquered and Free.
Secure every act in Love and remember that the lamb gives himself as a sign of sacrifice but he is conscious that his blood will wash your sins and that of others. Offer yourselves as lambs on the Altar of Love and pour your vivifying blood over the wounds that are generated in the dark bodies of the masses. Accept every opportunity to Love, even though it may seem hard at times, and the Path will be easier because you will have cleaned it of many thorns which will not hurt you. But if some remain and hurt you, Love them, only Love, because Love will heal those wounds. Love, because only in this way will you be able to show the path to others. Love, because only in this way will you be able to get your Freedom. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, BUT, I tell you: LOVE YOURSELVES IN YOUR NEIGHBOR BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE; you are nothing but Unity that is reflected in the other. Love yourselves in him who reflects your error. The moment will come when the mirror will not reflect anything else but Love, just Love.
I love you as the children that are learning to recognize and Love yourselves. I Love you as of My Own Body; children that must conquer themselves step by step, little by little, but that will return Free and triumphant, crowned with the Love in which you dressed the bodies of your fellow creatures.
I tell you, Love yourselves and in this manner you Love Me. Love yourselves and so I may Love you. Love yourselves and so My Light covers you. Love yourselves and offer yourselves in that Love to Life as the Fountain of Love. Love yourselves and you will Liberate yourselves, and Liberated you will understand that only Love Liberates, that only Love heals, that only Love offers the Holy cup to the lips of Him who is offered to you as a fountain of Love. Only love cures your wounds. Only Love quenches the thirst that embraces the thirsty one. So, allow only Love to dwell in your hearts and resign to It in benefit of Life. Resign to everything so that it communicates Its Principle of Unity and Freedom, so to be the Only fountain that springs the divine and Miraculous Sage.
I ask that you Love yourselves in the one who comes to you. Love yourselves and Liberate yourselves, only so, without anything else in your hearts but Love. Thus will you be able to conquer your imprisoned Essences.
Be as children that Love enfolds and transfigures. Be thus, Free of all mistaken acts. Amen. Amen. Amen.
I Love you, MARY.

Seekers of the truth, at the outset of this activity the Omnipresence of love covers you with its Light. Increase your Liberating Actions and raise your bodies to a real and sincere search for your purpose. This action takes the individual to ask himself, "why do I do this or that?" It is a constant internal analysis and brings new discoveries and anxieties in order to know the purpose for each step. It is a discernment in the search of what is real. It is to find to the maximum the Light which guides you. Sincerity must guide each step and Purity must Bless your action.
A seeker is an element willing to confront all that which moves him to discover where the TRUTH is, and what will take him to illuminate that point in the Network that moves him to the search. Internally, the desire of knowing and of learning gives him the strength to begin the internal action, but many times the test that he must confront defeats him and he looses his eagerness and force. His Purity of Motive was not strong enough and he must recognize that his force of will is fed from it.
The door that permits the passage of the seeker is PURITY; it is what gives the touch of reality to what is sincerely undertaken. It is the force that feeds the impulse to do and sustains it for the hardest and most crucial moments of mans enterprise. That is why a seeker must have PURITY of motive. To undertake a task he must have discerned very well the purpose of the step to be taken so that once the moment of confronting the internal with the external arrives, the force does not fail and is firmly maintained in purpose. This confrontation is desirable so that what remains within comes out and manifests the Purity that accompanies it. Nobody else but the individual can lengthen or shorten this search. Everything depends in the Purity of your heart.
Brothers, the Principle of TRUTH is a Real tangible element, it covers you with a fine veil to protect itself from darkness and the vanity of the unreal world of the seeker. Truth is a food for the superior Bodies which function in virtue of Love. They Manifest a desire to search for the lower bodies so that these may vibrate in unison with them also. The desire to know the TRUTH comes from the FREEDOM Principle, which says: "Know the TRUTH and it will make your Free". The desire of reaching it comes from there, even more, it’s for the giving of freedom to those parts that remain imprisoned in each one. That desire is Real and Pure but the personality tends to confuse the means with the end and in that labyrinth the purity of motive is lost. That is why you are asked to sustain yourselves in an internal Momentum with the TRUTH that pulsates there, that emanates that desire of finding yourselves outside to give you your FREEDOM. For that reason you are being asked for PURITY OF MOTIVE, so that nothing foreign to it may transgress the actioning of the TRUTH and darken its Light.
Brothers, all searching is influenced by the parts imprisoned in each one in their desire of finding THAT marvelous Light which, by remaining imprisoned, wishes to see Its manifestation outside. You must permit the Light imprisoned within to come out and vibrate with the Liberation that pulsates outside and be ONE WITH IT. THIS IS A GREAT TRUTH. Each seeker is motivated by the desire of seeing outside what he has inside. NOTHING ELSE. Then what to do about it? Allow that which expresses inside to flow and marry it with what pulsates outside so that they may vibrate in unison. Allow that TRUTH imprisoned within to express itself and show you that for centuries each has been expressing the TRUTH of his Being. Do not close your internal ears; listen to what that part is telling you, the same part that gives you strength in your search. Give your attention to it and you will see that the TRUTH has always been with you, showing you the Path, showing you Its expression outside. Then, what are you looking for? Look only for what remains imprisoned inside and that needs to verify to your outer consciousness that It Is. That is what you should look for; YOUR OWN TRUTH IMPRISONED; your own Light hidden by the shadows of ignorance; the Internal voice telling you where to go, showing you the Truth in each thing.
Brothers, the TRUTH is very subtle and to find it you must have a great Purity of Motive, a real feeling that the search is more internal than external. The TRUTH that each one carries will then be manifested outside. Then, open the doors to your Being so the part imprisoned is expressed and the TRUTH flows. So it be Liberated and Liberates you, so that it gives you FREEDOM, showing you the path which you desire so much.
For the TRUTH Principle printed in each one, may PURITY be the Guardian of Your Light. May YOUR OWN INTERNAL TRUTH flourish in the seeker and the Being be Liberated of the ignorance that is suffocating It.
On the Path of Love, TRUTH flourishes as Springtime. Be then an embrace of Love in each seeker who is sincere and faithful to the internal TRUTH that he bears.
So Be It.

When an individual is ready and wants to start on the Real and sincere search, he is helped in that purpose and assisted in uniting his forces concerning the goal to be reached. The real search is internal at first, wanting to know what motivates that desire of knowing the TRUTH, and then comes the external search. The individual is necessarily taken to situations where he can, by the collision of forces, assimilate the TRUTH within the purpose that is developing in him. Internal eagerness many times leads to mistakes because of a lack of discernment, but later helps the personality avoid that which caused them. But the Divine Will feeds and maintains the light Flame that emits that desire to search, to Liberate the individual that sustains it. It is a process of self liberation, of self searching, of self encounters, because it is the encounter with the Self. It is the search for INNER TRUTH, for your own TRUTH.
Because of errors committed in the past, human nature wants to know the principle of its own Light and searches to know everything in reference to its own Creation, ITS OWN TRUTH. What remains in the subconscious pulsates outwards with the purpose for man to wake up. He finally finds himself imprisoned in the small enclosure of his memories and trapped in the shadows of error. The first step to be taken must be the search for the reason of the imprisonment that suffocates and to recognize and accept that everything comes from the Fall, from the false step taken at the beginning. EVERYTHING IS ROOTED THERE; EVERYTHING IS BORN THERE; It is a wound in the subconscious world and it emits its pain so that the error be repaired. It is a wound that bleeds over the planet and asks for its Healing. This is achieved by becoming conscious of it and accepting the recognition that everyone has the same origin; that the genes of each one holds the same memories; that it is necessary to clean inside for the Light to be able to come out and the TRUTH to flourish. It is a process of self healing that is achieved with the recognition and acceptance of that which emanates so strongly in each one and motivates the search, more internal than external. But the personality is blind and seeks outside for what must be found inside. It is to reach a Communion with that INTIMATE part, with your real part, and take the Light that pulsates there to Light each corner of the memories in the subconscious, to heal, to repair the error and heal the wounds, no matter what the personality tries to do.
Each individual presents the same process of search. He holds the same desire of searching for that TRUTH which he believes is outside but is really inside, trapped by the "veils of maya" in his memories in the subconsciousness. The duality of Life leads him to confuse the way and to move around the point because of the lack of discernment, wandering in the shadows of wrong doing. When the premise of looking for the "TRUTH" comes to the force, the Being will wake up and take command with a very strong impulse and desire that makes the personality take notice, desiring to know the reason of that continuous internal throbbing. It is an opportunity offered so that with a Real and sincere motive, you can advance in the search of the TRUTH which remains imprisoned in man.
Brothers, each event in which the personality participates comes as an internal effort with the purpose to call attention to that which is wasting away in the dark void of ignorance, which dies for lack of attention and of PURITY. The TRUTH has remained hidden by the fog of the most remote memories of man and pulsates to be rescued from the darkness in which it has been secluded. The TRUTH has remained hidden in an obscure network woven by man in the interest of hiding his Real purpose in reference to his Real Nature and in reference to his Divine Goal. That is why the events presented to the external part touches the centers that have been trapped by the dark conduct of the external part. Man receives the impulses emitted by the ONE Fountain individually and collectively, but the darkness that covers him attenuates the vibration that comes from the Nucleus and when it touches man, he perceives the Light that reaches him with the purpose of awaking and helping him to find his Real nature very weakly. That is why the events dedicated to internal purposes are seen only as vain attempts by the personality, it wants to find outside something that remains trapped inside.
Brothers, this call is made so that you do not get lost in the fog that the external apparatus offers you but to turn to the Nucleus, to the Crucial Point, where each one can have contact with His Real Nature and find the TRUTH that you search for so much. There, in that Nucleus of Light, you will find trapped the most beautiful Divines Qualities, pulsating so that, in a real and sincere process, you can reach them and have communion with HIS REAL AND DIVINE PRESENCE.
May the man in that search be bathed with PURITY and certify inside each step to be taken on the outside.
For the TRUTH remaining in each one, may the Light of PURITY be your guide, feeding the Central Nucleus for the emission of the Real and Divine Light of the TRUTH.
So Be It.

The Higher Octaves feel the coming of the New Being. The Ever-Now Eternity is molded in a kiss of Love, in a New Dawn.
Each child, each youngster, each man, each woman, follows a similar process in their Pattern of Life; a process of awakening, energized by the Light Nucleus of the Father-Mother. The genesis of each one is the same because the Father-Mother is not different than His sons. They are all Light. All have the same Electronic Pattern, His same blessing of Love. All are one. They are the triphase of the Light for its Manifestation as UNITY. Every elemental body complies with the same process and follows the same Plan. Divine Nature follows an equal rhythm of doing, expressing UNITY WITH THE ONE, Manifesting His Light. Everything flows in and out, and in that process everything is integrated and disintegrated complying with the Plan of growth and expansion. All is part of a rhythmical movement of breathing. It is the Divine Manifestation of the Holy breath in the projection of the Light Pattern in the elemental bodies of the "Sons under construction".
Divine Nature has this Light Pattern in constant assimilation for the Manifestation of Perfection in each of your acts so you may have communion with the PERFECT UNITY OF THE ALL. BEING. An Electronic Pattern that sustains the Purity of Its Manifestation complies perfectly with what is established by the Father-Mother in his Light Pattern. It is a process of assimilation of greater and greater perfection to reach the PERFECT UNITY WITH THE ALL BEING. The fallen nature has forgotten this event and does not energize the Light Body with which it was Created and which contains the PERFECT PATTERN OF HIS ELEMENTAL BODY. This causes imperfection to be manifested. To sustain a Pattern of Perfection in your vehicles, you must offer opportunity to the Electronic Body to follow the PERFECT PLAN for you to manifest this Perfection in your bodies. It is an obligation to sustain the Immaculate Concept because each one must manifest the PERFECTION in which the electronic pattern can have force again. The genetic code contains that information and when the blood fluid is energized, it tends to Liberate itself. All that is needed is to sustain a constant movement of Purity in your electrons.
The actual nature of man is far from being Perfect because, in his erring, he has attracted many elements that are discordant and distorting to the Light. This has permitted a mutation of the genetic information and this is why you are told to invoke the Flame of Transmutation to repolarize this information.
When transmuted, THE DIVINE PATTERN OF LIGHT WILL BE MANIFESTED AGAIN. The anomalies that are seen in the physical bodies of man come from those mutations because there has been a violation in the manifestation of the ELECTRONIC PATTERN. The most important activity to be developed is to CREATE A CONSCIOUSNESS OF PERFECTION for this Pattern to be energized and to take command in the genetic code of the children that are being born, especially in the children in process of formation. Every Father, every Mother, must request for their sons, for their future sons, by the LAW OF LOVE, OF PURITY, OF PERFECTION, the energizing of the ORIGINAL LIGHT PATTERN so that PERFECTION is manifested and the anomalies inscribed in the genes stop being reproduced, and the processes of mutation of degeneration and imperfection stop.
Brothers, this is a very special task to realize; to create a CONSCIOUSNESS OF PERFECTION in parents, in couples and in children so that this Pattern takes force and becomes manifested for the IMMACULATE CONCEPT of the Light to be sustained, for every process of imperfection be replaced by this Pattern of Perfection. The ignorance in you has permitted the establishment of this "sickness" in your vehicles. Above everything, you must energize the "I AM" PRESENCE in each one to command the PERFECTION IN THE ELECTRONIC PATTERN of that fallen nature. Every anomaly in your vehicles is due to a violation of the Laws and above all, for ignoring that an error is recorded in your genes. Awareness must be given to this process to avoid the imprinting of imperfection in your patterns of Light.
Brothers, the work with children has to be very conscious and above all, directed to awaken in them their Real Nature, their Pattern of Light, their Divine Presence. This is so the processes of imperfection can be eradicated from their elemental bodies. To bring a child back from this anomaly, from this error, is to win a battle; but you have to work with their parents so that they sustain over the children this Pattern of Light, THE IMMACULATE CONCEPT, AND PURITY IN ACTION. To build a Nucleus where this Task is fulfilled is to open a Path of Light that permits the Magic Presence to command in the infants bodies and Manifest the electronic Pattern with which they where dressed at the moment of their Creation. It is a process of awakening, of becoming conscious. It is a step that must be taken and sustained. It is an IMPERSONAL WORK. IT IS A SERVICE HAND IN HAND WITH THE ANGELIC HOSTS. IT IS A WORK OF UNITY.

The anomalies of the physical bodies are many, and in this present era even more. We see a great tendency to attract very strong dark elements that later on will be very difficult to remove from the lower bodies. Each time that a sickness is manifested it evidences a wound in the body of those individuals that hosted the sickness. They are elements that infiltrate until they gain force and create the inharmonious conditions that cause so much harm in men.
In the Immaculate Concept, PERFECTION guides the Electronic Pattern in each one and the "I AM" PRESENCE can be expressed without problem. But when imperfection has been allowed to take root in any of the vehicles, this process is obstructed. Actually, "this" normal condition is what man knows as the expression of his bodies, but it is something false and unreal because he has broken with the Divine Plan and therefore his True Doing is not manifested. Man has conceived sickness and imperfection as something normal within his Life expression. What is correct, real, true is PERFECTION manifesting in everyone, projecting the Light without problems, without elements foreign to Divinity.
Now is an opportunity to be able to work consciously with the Magic Presence over each part of Life, restoring in the ELECTRONIC PATTERN ITS INITIAL PURITY, helping it with the FORCE OF LOVE to regain again HIS OWN EXPRESSION through the physical body that contains him. It is the duty of each individual conscious of this action to energize that electronic flow over the elements that manifest any abnormality in their bodies.
The Magic I AM PRESENCE needs PERFECT vehicles to project His Light over each corner of the planet.
Your actions must be conscious; they must be directed above all to the lower bodies, to work that Pattern of Light and radiate the Original Plan of PERFECTION through the lower vehicles of man. Imperfection cannot be permitted to steal more Light and obstruct the Immaculate Concept in each Current of Life. It is time for each one to get dressed again with His Luminous Mantle with which he was dressed at the moment of his creation. Imperfection is manifested because of the lack of ORDER and PURITY in the conception of the vehicles that must be occupied by the Luminous PRESENCE. Imperfection is originated by the lack of PURITY at the moment of the CONCEPTION because dark atoms are attracted towards the vortex that is formed at the moment of the union of the masculine and feminine elements. It is an abnormal condition because a True conception is Immaculate in its Realization; it is with the concurrence of the Angelic Hosts when invoked by the parents so that only the Light, the Divine "I AM" PRESENCE energizes that ovule with the most PERFECT masculine polarity. There cannot be any negative element there obstructing the Original Plan because only the Purity of the "I AM" Commands. Priority must be given to that form of conception. Children should not continue to be created where the lack of PURITY stamps the seal of imperfection in their genes, where the Electronic Pattern is interrupted in its manifestation.
Paternity consciously planned creates the environment around the parents of the appropriate elements so that at the moment of conception the Divine Light commands A PERFECT ACT can manifest the Magic "I AM" PRESENCE without problems in that being conceived.
A consciousness of Purity must be created among the youngsters and children so that the Laws not continue to be violated and to stop this process of anomalies that we are seeing now. The "I AM" must be allowed to command in PERFECTION through each new child that is born on the planet. It is a task of regeneration, of repolarization of the energy very necessary in these times, because Earth is suffering with the dark load that ignorance has deposited in her womb.
It is urgent to create a harmonious pattern of conduct in each couple which truly manifests the desire of Pro-Creating, capable of manifesting the Magic I AM PRESENCE through them. Every dark genetic code is destroyed under the action of PURITY at the moment of creation. The barriers of ignorance are also broken and the Magic I AM PRESENCE can command without problems through these elements.
In benefit of the Liberation of the planet, PURITY is required in each act of creation so that the Matrix of the Earth is energized and the Light is Liberated in Her, Liberating her from error.
It is a great opportunity creating a consciousness of PURITY in each couple so that the Original Pattern is manifested and the divine Light is expressed without problems.
For the Divine and Perfect Action of the "I AM" be to each one the Light of your vehicles.