Emotionally, man surpasses his animal ancestors in his capacity to appreciate the Humor, the Art and the Religion. Socially, the man exhibits his superiority since he is purely Manufacturer of Tools, Communicator and Creator of Institutions.

When the human beings conserve their social groups for enough time, this groups always become new activity tendencies that culminate in the “
Institutionalization”. Most of the Institutions created by the man have turned out to be minimizers of heavy the work, and at the same time, they contribute to improve the security of the group.

The civilized man is revalued considerably by the character, the stability and continuity of his established institutions; but all the human institutions are not but the accumulated customs of the past, as long as they have been conserved by taboos and dignified by the religion. Such legacies end up being traditions, and the traditions in the long run become “
All the human “Institutions” assist to some social necessity, and in spite of its excessive development, as much in the past as in the present, certainly it diminished merit to the “individual” since it eclipses to the personality and impaired the initiative. The man should be in control of his institutions instead of allowing to be dominated by these creations from the civilization in advance.

The Human Institutions are of three general classes:
  1. THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE SELF-CONSERVATION. These institutions include those practices that arise of the hunger, of the sustenance and of their instincts tuned to the Self-Preservation. This includes the industry, the property, the profit stratagem and all the regulator mechanisms of the society. Sooner or later the “instinct of the fear” foments the establishment of these institutions of the survival by the taboo, the convention and the religious sanction. This way, the fear, the ignorance and the superstition have played a preponderant part in the initial stage of the origin and subsequent development of all the human institutions.
  2. THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE SELF-PERPETUATION. These are the establishments of the society that arise from the sexual instinct, the maternal instinct and the tender emotions and superiors from the races. They include the social safeguards of the home and the school, of the family life, the education, the ethic and the religion. They include the matrimonial customs, the defensive war and the formation of the home.
  3. THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE SELF-GRATIFICATION. These are the practices that arise from the tendencies of the “vanity” and the emotions of the “pride”; they understand the customs of the dress and personal decoration, the social usages, the war for the glory, the dance, the amusement, the games and other phases of sensual gratification. But understand that in the human civilization, independent institutions of the Self-Gratification have never evolved.
These three groups of social practical are intimately interrelated and they are minutely interdependent to each other. Here in URANTIA[The Earth], they represent a complex organization that works as one only and great social mechanism. 

The “Primitive Industry” was developed slowly as insurance against the panic of the hunger. At the beginning of their existence, man was learning from some animals how to store food during an abundant crop, for the days of shortage.

Before the dawn of the growing moderation and the primitive industry, the luck of the common tribe was of misery and of serious suffering because the primitive man had to compete with the whole animal Kingdom for his foods. The graveness of the “competition” always forces the man to be lowered at the level of the inhumane. The “poverty” is a natural and tyrannical state; while the “wealth” is “not” a natural gift of the man, because it resuls from the work, the science and the organization of the group.

The primitive man didn't delay in recognizing the advantages of the “Association”. The Association led to the
Organization, and the first result of the organization was the “distribution of the work” with its subsequent saving of time and materials. These specializations of the work arose from the adaptation to the pressures of the moment -following the ways of smaller resistance. The primitive savages never liked to carry out the works. Their conformity was due to the imposition of the necessity.

The primitive man had dislike to the arduous work, and he didn't adapt soon unless it was confronted himself with some serious danger. The “temporary” element of the work, the concept of carrying out a given task inside certain limit of time, is already a notion of the modern times because the old men were never in a hurry. The primitive races that were “inactive” by nature were impelled to the way of the
Industry, for the double demand: The intense fight to exist and the levels of life in constant advance.

The work, the efforts of the projects distinguishes the man from the beasts, although their efforts are, in their majority, “
instinctive”. The necessity of the work is the man's supreme blessing. The Planetary Prince's retinue [the 100 members], for then worked; they worked a lot to ennoble the physical work here in URANTIA. ADAM was market-gardening; this way the God of Hebrews was Worker -was the Creator and Supporting of Everything. Hebrew was the first tribe in giving bigger importance to the “Industry”. It was the first town in decreeing that: “The one that doesn't work won't eat”. But many of the religions of the world reverted the previous ideal for the “idleness”; this way, Jupiter was a binger and Buda ended up being a reflexive one devoted of the leisure.

SANGIK tribes [the ancestors of the six races of color of URANTIA, and more intelligent than their primitive fellow men] were relatively industrial, when they resided outside of the tropical regions. However, there was always a lingering fight among the “lazy” ones devoted of the magic and the apostles of the “work”, those that exercised the “foresee”.

The first human's foresee was directed toward the conservation of the “
fire”, the “water” and the “food”. But the primitive man was an astute natural; again and again, he managed to get something in exchange for nothing; and very often during these primitive times, it was attributed to their accumulated achievements, the product of the practice the “patience” and of the “amulets”. For it the magic took a lot in giving in before the Foresee, the Self-Denial and the Industry.

At the beginning, the natural circumstances and then the social ones determined the divisions of the work in the primitive society. The original orders of the specialization of the work were:
  1. The Specialization based in the Sex. The woman's works derived of the selective presence of the children; the women by nature love the newly born ones more than the men. This way the woman became a routine worker, while the man became hunter and fighter, practicing marked periods of “work” and “rest”.
    Through the ages the
    taboos has been good to maintain the woman strictly in her field. The man, in a very egoistic way, has chosen the most interesting work, leaving the arduous routine work to the woman. The man has always been embarrassed of carrying out the woman's works; however, the woman has never demonstrated reluctance some when carrying out the man's works. But it is strange that as much the man as the woman have always collaborated together in the construction and installation of the Home.
  2. The Modification that result from the Age and the Illnesses... These differences determined the subsequent division of the work. Soon the old men and invalids were put to work manufacturing tools and weapons. Then they were assigned the construction of all type of watering works.
  3. The Differentiation based in the Religion. The quack doctors were the first human beings in avoiding the arduous physical work; from there, they constituted the precursor class of the “professionals”. The blacksmiths represented a reduced group that competed with the quack doctors like “magicians”. Their knowledge of the metallurgy made them to be feared; this way, ones called “white blacksmiths”, the “tinners” and the “black blacksmiths”, or blacksmiths, gave origin to the primitive beliefs in the white and black magic. With time these beliefs ended up impacting in the superstition of the good and bad ghosts, the good and bad spirits.
    The blacksmiths were the first non religious group in enjoying special privileges; they were considered as neutrals during the wars, and this additional leisure transformed them into the class of the “
    Politicians” of the primitive society. Nevertheless, because of gross abuses of these privileges the blacksmiths ended up being generally hated, and the quack doctors didn't take long in fomenting this hate toward their competitors. In this first war between the “science” and the “religion”, it won the religion [the superstition]. And after having been thrown out the villages, the blacksmiths maintained the first inns, public housings, in the bordering of the towns.
  4. The Master and the Slave. The following division of the work arose of the relationships of the Conquerors with those Conquered, that which supposed the beginning of the “human slavery”.
  5. The differentiation based in the Physical and Mental Endowments. The innate differences among the men favored the ulterior divisions of the work; because all the human beings are not born the same.
The first specialists in the industry were the makers of Flints and the Masonry; to these two, were followed by the Blacksmiths. Later on the specialization in groups was developed; then, families and whole clans were devoted to certain work types. The origin of one of the first “priestly castes”, very apart from the tribal quack doctors, it was due to the excessive superstitious exaltation from a family of experts manufacturers of swords.

Among the first groups of specialists in the industry were also the exporters of the “salt gem” and the “potters”. The women worked the simple “pottery” and the men decorated it. The women worked in some tribes the “weave” and the “seam”, and among other tribes the men carried out these works.

The first “
exchange brokers” were the women; they were used like spies, making the exchange like secondary company. Then they expanded the swap. The women made of intermediary –stockbrokers. Then arose the “merchant” class that charged a commission or earnings in exchange for its services. The growing exchange in group evolved in the “trade”. After the interchange of basic products, the interchange of specialized labour was born. 

Just as the marriage for “contract” continued the marriage for “capture”; likewise, the trade for “exchange” continued to the taking of possession by the “force”. But it intervened a lingering period of “piracy”, and this happened between the first exercises of the mute exchange and the later trade for modern methods of exchange.
At the beginning, the exchange was made by armed exchange-broker that left their merchandises in a neuter place. The women carried out the first market actions. They were the first “exchange broker”, which it was due to that they were the carrier of the loads since the men were the warriors. In short time the table of exchanges was developed; a wall quite wide to prevent the merchants to be reached with weapons.
It was also used talismans to mount guard on the deposits of the merchandises for the mute exchange. These squares were safe against the theft; they didn't retire anything unless it was by means of the exchange or purchase; and with guard's fetish the merchandises were always safe. These merchants were conscientiously honest inside their tribe, but they considered that it was correct to deceive the strangers that came from outside. Primitive Hebrews even had another ethics code to treat the heathens.
The “mute exchange” continued during a lot of time, until before the men began to be disarmed inside the sacred square of the market. These same squares became the first places for the “sanctuaries”, and in some countries they ended up being known as “refuge cities”. All fugitive that arrived at the square of the market was safe and sound of the attack.
The first way to measure weights was with wheat grains and other cereals. The first means of exchange was the fish or the goat. Then the cow ended up being an exchange unity.
The “Modern Writing” originated among the first registrations of the trade; the man's first literature was a document of commercial promotion, a publicity of the “salt”. Great part of the wars by then took place after natural deposits, such as of flint, salt and metals. The first formal “tribal treaty”, agreed the tribe-inter-change of a deposit of salt. These places agreed by the treaties offered the opportunity to interchange ideas and to alternate, with several tribes, in a friendly and peaceful mark.
The Writing progressed through the stages of the stick messenger, the knotted cords, the pictographic, the hieroglyphics and the belts of shell bills, until the first symbolic alphabets. The shipment of messages evolved from the primitive signs of smoke until the pedestrian mail, to the back of a beast, railroads, airplanes, also the telegraph, the telephone and all wireless communication.
The old Merchants transported new ideas and better methods all over the world inhabited. The Trade that was linked with the adventure was in the exploration and the discovery and all the above-mentioned gave born to the Transport. The Trade has been the great civilizer through the promotion of the intercultural fertilization. 

The “Capital” is the applied work in a way of renunciation of the present in favor of the future. The “Savings” represent an insurance form for the conservation and the survival. The “Hoard” of the foods developed the self-dominion, then the monopoly; and this generated the first serious problems of the Capital and the Work. At the time, the man that had reserved food, as long as he could preserve it from the thieves, had a frank advantage over the man that didn't have it.
The “primitive banker” was the most valuable in the tribe. The collective treasures were consigned to him, so the whole clan defended his shack in the event of assault. This way the accumulation of the “individual's capital” and the “collective wealth” didn't take long in becoming a military organization; and at the beginning, these cautions were created to defend the property against the foreing invaders; but, later on, it became a habit to maintain these military organizations, exercising and undertaking invasions of the property and the wealth of other neighboring tribes.
The basic impulses that exceeded in the accumulation of the "Capital" were:
  1. The Hunger. Related with foresee. To keep and conserve the foods admitted the power and the comfort for those that had enough foresee. This way they got ready for the future necessities. The “Storage” of the foods was enough guarantees against the hunger and the catastrophes. In fact, an entire organism of primitive customs was devised to help the primitive man to subordinate the future to the present and not the opposite that is the desire of these present days.
  2. The Affection to the Family. The desire to satisfy their basic necessities. The “Capital” represents the saving of the property, in spite of the pressure of the necessities of the present, and in order to be safe against the demands of the uncertain future.
  3. The Vanity. The yearning to exhibit the accumulations of property. The extra wardrobe figured among the first symbols of the distinction. From the beginning and motivated by the “vanity”, it got a lot of the man's attention to collect objects.
  4. The Position. The desire to buy social and political prestige. Soon “marketer nobility” arose, the admission to it depended on the execution some special service borrowed to it, or it was conferred simply in exchange for money.
  5. The Power. The longing of being a master. To lend treasures was a mean of slavery, being the rate of the loan of a hundred annual percent in these old times. The moneylenders later became “kings”, forming a permanent army of debtors. The “servant slaves” were the first forms of property in accumulating; and it even extended until after the death.
  6. The Fear to the Unknow. The quotas paid to the priests for protection. The man since very early began to give gifts to the priests with an eye toward obtaining participation and easiness in his progress, in the next life. The priesthoods, this way, ended up being very rich and they were the main ones among the old capitalists.
  7. The Sexual Impulse. The desire to buy one or more women. This way, the first form of the man's trade was the exchange of women, and this preceded for a lot of time to the swap of horses. But this exchange of sexual slavery made that the society didn't advance; this traffic was and it continues being, one racial dishonor; because it hindered the development of the family life and at the same time, it contaminated largely the biological aptitude of the superior towns.
  8. The numerous forms of the Self-Gratification. Many sought the wealth since it conferred “power” and others harass for the property since it supposed “comfort”. The primitive man and still in the current times, tended to waste too much his resources in excessive “luxuries”. Since then the alcoholic beverages and narcotics degraded the primitive races.
As the civilization developed, the man was acquiring new incentives to save; and soon new foods were added to the necessities of the “natural hunger”. The poverty was hate it so much that it was believed that only to the rich ones corresponded to win the sky when dying. It was a believe that who gave an ostentatious banquet could erase dishonors of its name.

The accumulation of the
wealth didn't delay in becoming the symbol of the “social distinction”. The individuals of certain tribes accumulated properties during many years only to cause impression, burning them in some holiday or distributing them gratuitously among their partners of the tribe. This converted them into great men. Even in today's modern towns, they delight in the prodigal distribution of the gifts of Christmas; while the rich endow to the big institutions of charity and culture. This way, the man's techniques developed a lot, but their innate qualities remain without evolving.

Also many old rich distributed great part of their fortune because they feared that those that coveted their treasures gave them death. Even some rich ones used to sacrifice twentieth of slaves to demonstrate the contempt of their wealth.

Although the “
Capital” has been good to alleviate the man's material life, on the other hand, it has complicated in great degree his social and industrial organization. But, the wrong use of the capital by unjust capitalists doesn't invalidate the fact that this is the foundation of the modern industrial society. through the Capital and the Invention, today's generation enjoys a better degree of material freedom that never before has preceded in the earth. This is put in the registry like a fact, but it doesn't justify the multiple grafts of the capital for senseless and selfish custodians. 

The Primitive Society, with is four divisions: Industrial, Regulatory, Religious and Military; it arose from the instrumentality of the fire, the animals, the slaves and the property.

To light the “
fire” voluntarily separated the man of the animal of a single jump forever. This constitutes the great invention or fundamental human discovery. The “fire” allowed the man to remain on the ground during the night, instead of the trees, since all the animals fear it, the man felt safe with the fire. The “fire” fomented the social treatment at dusk; and not only had it preserved of the cold and the ferocious beasts, but it also served as protection against the spectra. At the beginning it was used more to light that to heat; many retarded tribes refused to sleep on the ground unless a flame burns for the whole night.

Fire was a great civilizer, endowing the man with the first mean why he could be altruistic without losing anything, because it allowed him to give hot coal to a neighbor without being deprived of it. From then on, the “fire” of the blaze was assisted by the mother or for the first-born female; the Fire was the first educator, because it urged to the Vigilance and the Constancy. The primitive Home was not any building, but rather the family met around the Blaze [Home] and this was the family blaze. And when a son founded a new home, a firebrand of the blaze of the family was taken.

ANDON, the discoverer of the fire, didn't want to treat it like object of adoration, his descendants considered the fire flame like a fetish or spirit. But they were not able to take advantage of the sanitary benefits of the fire, when they did not learn to burn the waste. The primitive man feared to the fire and it always tried to maintain it to good disposition, from here the spread of the incense. Under no circumstance they spit in the fire, or they passed between a person and a burning fire. The first members of the mankind even assumed for sacred to the iron pyres and the stones that were used to light the fire.
Until it was considered a serious lack to extinguish the flame; and if a shack caught fire, it was allowed to burn. The fires of the temples and chapels were sacred and it was never allowed that they went out, with the exception that they accustomed to light new flames every year or after some calamity. Women were chosen for priestesses because they were the custodies of the domestic blazes.

The primitive myths about how the fire descended of the gods, arose of the observations of the fires caused by the rays. These concepts of supernatural origin generated the adoration of the fire, and from it resulted the habit of “passing by the fire”; an exercise that was carried out until the times of Moses. The concept of passing by the fire after the death still persists. The myth of the fire was a great bond in the primitive times and it still lasts in the symbolism of the Parsees.

From the fireresulted the “
cooking”, and the “eaters of the raw” became a ridicule form. The cooking reduced the expense of necessary vital energy for the digestion of the food, and this way, the primitive man was nurtured with new energy for the social culture; on the other hand, the breeding of animals that reduced the effort to get the food, provided time for the social activities.

We should have present that the use of the fire opened the doors of the Metallurgy and it resulted in the subsequent discovery of the energy of vapor and the current uses of the electricity. 

At the beginning, the whole animal Kingdom was enemy of the man; and the human beings had to learn how to be protected from the beasts. First the man hunted the animals; and later, he learned how to tame them and inclusive to make them serve him.
The domestication of the animals took place for eventuality. The wild man hunted the flocks in a very similar way to as the North American Indians hunted the bison. Surrounding the flock, they could dominate the animals and this way to kill them according to their nutritious necessities. Later on, the corrals were built and whole flocks were captured.

It was easy to tame some animals, but like the elephants, a great part of them didn't reproduce in captivity. More than that; it ended up discovered that certain species of animals submitted to the man's presence, and that they reproduced in captivity. This promoted the domestication of animals by means of the selective breeding, an art that comes progressing from the days of DALAMATIA.

The first animal in being tamed was the “
dog” and the arduous experience of taming it began when certain dog, after having spent an entire day following a hunter, in fact ended up accompaning to him his house and staying there. During ages the dogs were used for food source, hunting, transportion and company. At the beginning, the dogs were limited to howl, and later they learned how to bark. The sharp smell of the dog gave the notion that it could see spirits, and the cults of canine-fetishes arose this way. The use of watchdogs for the first time made possible that the whole clan could sleep better at night. Next, it became acustom to use the guardian dogs to protect the home against the spirits, as well as against the material enemies. When the dog barked, it was because a man or some beast came closer; but when the dog howled, it represented that the spirits were close. Even today it is still believed that the howls of the dog at night presage the death.
When the man was hunter, he was quite kind with the woman; but after the domestication of the animals and together with the confusion caused by CALIGASTIA [Planetary Prince] many tribes treated their wives in a humiliating way; they treated them like they treated their animals. The brutal treatment of the male to the woman constitutes one of the blackest chapters in the human history.

The primitive man never hesitated in enslaving his fellow men. The woman was the first slave; yes, a family slave. The pastoral man enslaved the woman as a manner of inferior sexual partner. This type of sexual slavery was born directly from the fact that the male depended less from the woman.

Not long ago, the slavery was the luck of the prisoners of war that refused to accept the conqueror's religion. In the most primitive times they ate up the prisoners or they tortured them until killing them; they also put them to fight each other, as sacrifices to the spirits or they enslaved them. But mainly, the
Slavery was a great advance since the slaughter and the cannibalism.

The “
Slavery” was a step forward as a merciful treatment of the prisoners of war. The ambush at Hai, with the biggest slaughter of men, women and children, in which was only forgiven the life to the king to please the conqueror's vanity, was a reliable picture of the wild slaughters that were practiced in the most presumably civilized towns. The assault to Og, the king of Basán, was similar of brutal and effective. Hebrews “destroyed their enemies completely”, taking possession of all their property like booty; they imposed tributes to all the towns under punishment of the “destruction of all male”. However, many of the contemporary tribes that had less tribal egotism, had already begun to practice the adoption of captive superiors.

The hunter, as well as the American red man, didn't subject his captive men to the slavery; they adopted them or killed them. The slavery didn't prevail among the pastoral towns, because they required little manpower. In the war, the shepherds used to practice the elimination of all the captive males and they took the women and children like slaves. But, in the Code of Moses the specific commands were already shown for the conversion of these captive ones in “
wives” and of not being satisfactory they were expelled. But the Hebrews were not allowed to sell these rejected spouses as slaves, which constituted a great advance of the civilization. Although the social norms of Hebrews were rough, they were superior to those of the surrounding tribes.

The shepherds were the first capitalists, their flocks represented the “Capital”, they lived off the interests from the natural increments. They were reluctant to commend the custody from this wealth to the slaves or the women. But later they took captive males and forced them to cultivate the floor. This is the origin of the servitude, the man tied to the land. This way, the Africans could be taught easily to cultivate the land, for what they ended up being the great slave race.

The “Slavery” was an indispensable link in the evolutionary chain of the human primitive civilization. It was the bridge for which the society passed from the chaos and the indolence to the
order and the civilized activities. It forced the late and lazy towns to work, and this way, to provide the space and free time for the social progress; undoubtedly in a limitless way, benefiting only to their superiors.

The institution of the slavery forced the man to invent the
Regulator Mechanism of the primitive society, and it gave origin to the principles of the Government. The “slavery” demanded strong regulation, but during the European Middle Age, this disappeared because the feudal gentlemen couldn’t control the slaves. And the latest tribes in the old times, just as the current aboriginal Australians, never had slaves.

It is certain that the institution of the slavery was very
oppressive; but in the schools for oppression, the man learned the Industry. Ulteriorly the slaves shared the advantages of a superior society that in poor taste, these slaves helped to “produce”. The “slavery” after all, creates an organization of social and cultural achievement; but it didn't take long in attacking insidiously the society from inside, being the most severe of all the social destructive wrongs, and that until today it suffers the civilization.

Already in recent times, the modern
Mechanical Invention turned obsolete the “slavery”. The slavery, just as the polygamy, is disappearing totally because it doesn't compensate to the man's evolutionary life. But it has always been disastrous to liberate suddenly to big quantities of slaves, because less difficulties happen when the emancipation is gradually.

Today, the men are not
social slaves, but millions and millions of them allow the ambition to make them slaves of the debts. The “involuntary slavery” has given the step to a new and improved form of modified industrial slavery.

While the ideal of the society is the Freedom and the Universal Evolution, the idleness and the tremendous laziness [the Inertia] must never defeat the man. All capable person should be “ACTIVE”, at least, to make enough work to be sustained oneself.

This way, the modern society is going backwards. But, the “slavery” almost has disappeared, and the domestic animals are extinguishing, since the civilization is going back toward the fire [to the inorganic world] looking after the power. Although the man ascended from the savagery by means of the fire, the animals and the slavery; today and without realizing it is aspiring to the
past, discarding the whole help invested per millenniums, by the slaves and the attendance of the animals. The man believes to snatch new secrets, sources of wealth and power from the inexhaustible deposits of the earth, but he forgets his DIVINE DESTINATION.

Although the primitive society was virtually “community”, the primitive man didn't adhere to the doctrines of the communism. The communism of the primitive times was not a mere theory or social doctrine, it was a simple and practical automatic adaptation. The “communism” impeded the misery and the poverty; the mendacity and the prostitution were almost unknown among these old tribes.

primitive communism didn't level the men mostly, or had it exalted the mediocrity, but it stimulated the inactivity and the idleness, and this way it repressed the industry and also destroyed the ambition. The Communism was the indispensable scaffolding for the growth of the Primitive Society, giving the step to the evolution of a social superior order, since it thwarted four strong human tendencies:
  1. The Family. The man no longer ambitions to accumulate property; in time he wants to bequeath their capital goods to their offspring. But in this first Communal Society, the capital of a man was consumed immediately or was distributed among the group to its death. The inheritance of the property didn't exist --the succession tax was of a hundred percent. The later established customs concerning the capital accumulation and to the inheritance of the property were an irrefutable social advance. And this is certain in spite of the gross abuses that later on were of the wrong use of the capital.
  2. The Religious Tendencies. The primitive man also wanted to save the property as a resource to begin the life in the next existence. This explains why it lasted so much time the habit of burying to their dead one's with their belongings. The old men believed that only the rich ones survived after the death. Later on, the teachers of the revealed religion and the Christian precursors, were the first ones to proclaim and teach that the “poor” can survive at the same time the rich ones than .
  3. The desire of the Freedom and the Idleness. In the days previous to the social evolution, the distribution of the “earnings” of each one among the group was indeed, a form of slavery, because the worker became the slave of the idle. This was the suicidal weakness of the communism: The improvident one habitually lived off the saving. Even in these modern times the improvident ones depend on the state (thrifty taxpayers) to support themselves, this way, those that don't have capital, wait for those that have it to give them to eat.
  4. The desire of the Security and the Power. The communism finally was destroyed by the deceiving practices of progressive and prosperous individuals that appealed to diverse strategies to escape of being slaves from the inapt idlers from its tribes. At the beginning the secret monopolizing arose, since the primitive insecurity impeded the open accumulation of the capital. Even later it was very dangerous to knead excessive wealth, the king would invent “collections” in order to confiscate the property of the rich; and when a rich died, he stopped the funeral until the family donated a considerable amount to the public well-being or the king, tax to the inheritance.
In more remote times, the women were the property of the community, and then the mother dominated the family. The primitive caciques were owners of all the lands and all the women's proprietors; for that reason, it was required the consent of the sovereign of the tribe for the marriage. With the dissipation of the communism, the women were under individual custody and the family’s father little by little was assuming the domestic control. The “Home” had this way its beginning. The polygamous customs that reigned were gradually displaced by the monogamy. (The polygamy is the survival of the feminine element as slave in the marriage. The monogamy is the ideal, free of the slavery, in union of a man and a woman as a couple, in the exquisite company of the formation of the home, the upbringing, the offspring, the mutual culture and the self-improvement).

Originally, all the properties, the tools and the weapons inclusive, were common possessions of the tribe. At the beginning the private property consisted on all that a person “touched”. If a stranger
drank in a cup, the cup from this moment on would become his. Then, the place where it spilled out blood would become the wounded property or their group.
This way, it was primitively respected the “private property”, because it was believed that it was loaded of some type of energy from the proprietor's personality. The honesty towards the property was safe at the mercy of this type of superstition and it was not necessary any police to protect the personal belongings. The robbery didn't exist inside the groups, but the men didn't hesitate in appropriating of the goods of other tribes. The relationships of property didn't finish with the death. At the beginning, they burned all the personal belongings, then they were buried with the deceased, and later the family survivor inherited these belongings or the tribe.

Then, arose the personal belongings of ornamental type in the use of the
amulets. It was the “vanity” together with the “fear to the unknown” that they motivated the primitive man to resist all intent of detachment of their favorite amulets; ending up valorizing to these properties above the fundamental necessities.

The “space to sleep” figured among the man's first properties. Then the facilities of the home were assigned to the caciques of the tribe who had in consignment all the
real estates of the group. Then the property was enlarged to the sorrounding of the “blaze”, conferring the domestic property; later, a “well of water” constituted the formal title to the adjacent land.

The “water holes” and “wells” became private possessions; and it was used many practices of the fetishes to protect the water holes, wells, trees, cultivations and the beehives of honey. When shrinking the “faith” in the fetishes, laws were created that evolved to protect the private belongings. But the laws of hunting, the right of hunting preceded to the “real state laws” for a lot of time. The American Red Man never understood the concept of private property of lands; that is to say, he didn't comprehend the White Man.
Primitively the private property was marked by the family badge which originated the “family shields”. It was also consigned the real state to the custody of the “spirits”. This way the primitive priests “consecrated” a land, and then they delegated it to the protection of the magic taboos that would be erected there. It was said that the proprietors of this lands had “writing of priestly property”. Hebrews had great respect for these family landmarks: “Damned it is the one that removes their neighbor's landmark”. These stone signs took the priest's initials. Even the trees, if they were with initials, they became private property.

Initially only the “cultivations” were private, but later “crops” conferred the
Title of Property; this way, the Agriculture was the genesis of the private property of land. At the beginning, to the individuals were granted only the holding vitalities; and when dying it reverted to the tribe. The first property titles of lands that the tribes granted to the individuals were the tombs, the “family cemetery”. Later on, the land belonged to who “fenced” it. But the cities continued reserving certain public pasturage and of use in case of siege. The “public parks” represent this way the old survival of the collective property.
In the long run, the State ended up assigning the property to the individual, being reserved the right of burdening taxes. Having gotten his title, the owner of a land could collect rents, and the land became source of revenues, Capital. Finally the land became truly negotiable for sales and purchases, transfers, mortgages and hypothec executions.

Private Property brought more freedom and stability; nevertheless, the “Private Property of Land” the social guarantee was not conferred until after the failure of the control and the communal direction, that soon it was continued by a succession of slaves, servants and classes without lands. But in recent times, the “machinery” little by little went liberating the man of the arduous slave work.

Right to the Property is not absolute, it is purely social. But all government, law, order, civil rights, social freedoms, conventions, peace and happiness, just as now it is enjoyed by the modern towns, have arisen around the “Private Property”.
It should be very clear that the present world-wide social order is not necessarily the correct one. It is not divine or sacred!. But the present humanity, that is already abandoning its “infantile state”, will have to institute new and evolutionary transformations for its New Revolutionary Cycle, beginning the ERA OF THE HUMAN SOUL inside the natural processes of transition, and this is urgent, since the earth already entered in its process of Ascension. Together we can achieve it!, The conditions are given, because what today the man possesses it overcomes all the systems that your ancestors practiced. When externally it really begin the transformation of the social order, don't forget to achieve always the best. Every day is a new day to improve the past!, Don't allow to be convinced of experiencing with the same discarded formulas of your predecessors. In the Grand Universe everything evolves eternally toward its Divine Destination; therefore: Go ahead and don't go back!, Let the Evolution to Continue!, We should not give a single step back!. [With the collaboration of one of the Melchizedeck of Nebadon].