Being in the Being of the ALL BEING.
Being in the Unity of the OMNIPRESENCE of Love.
Being in the Purity of LIGHT.
Being in the Radiation of the UNIXITRON PRESENCE.
Being in the Path of the Ascension "I AM".
Service in the PRINCIPLE OF LOVE.
Service in the Sacred Essence of the LIGHT.
Service as the Pure and Perfect LIGHT of LOVE.
Service in the Service to LOVE.
Service to be a Server of LOVE.
Service to Life, to manifest that LOVE is the inexhaustible source of the Supreme Creator.
As the Divine Provider Love nourishes the Being, providing the Being its Light essence for the necessary strength to overcome the illusions of the world.
Being in Conscious Service to Life as a Channel of Love, providing men with the Unique truth that Liberates, the One Truth that Ascends.
Being in the Service of Liberating Love showing man that this Divine Essence is what opens the doors of the dungeon in which he find himself, for his Elevation to the Ultimate Heights:

Being in the Being of the Essence of LOVE is a Unifying Force making it possible for men to become Brothers, and to be ONE WITH LIFE.
Being in the Radiation of Purity, making it possible for Life to continue manifesting towards the Earth.
Being, the Divine Standard that radiates the Father - Mother Essence to the Planet.
Being, The Light Presence UNIXITRON, with his strength of Planetary Liberation, Liberating each Being, Lifting the Fallen Essence, taking man towards the Perfect Summit of Love.
Being, by the Divine Grace of LOVE, as an unconditional Server, a liberator of the Being, and a small point of support for the Great Effort of Liberation.
Being, in the Sevenfold One, as the Manifestation of Perfection that is reached by manifesting Love, and reaching Purity.
Being, in the Sacred Trinity, the Divine Spark of Light, is the Liberating Force of the Being that Breaks all chains, as a Divine Archetype, as the ONE-BEING-TRIUNE SON/DAUGHTER OF LOVE.
Being, by the Grace of Love, a point of support for the effort of Planetary Liberation and thus reaching the Octagonal Rotary as a Source of Nourishment for those beings that are anchored to this plan.
The Gravitational Force will give way to the Ascension coordinates so as to demonstrate to man his FAITH. The Force of Hope can transmute all mistakes and overcome all darkness, taking him to a new level of vibration and submerging him in the New Regency of Love as a Governor of the New Planet Earth. This is the Force of Ascension to Trinitize the Being: MAN- LIGHT-ETERNAL LIFE.
Being in conscious participation as an emitting element of Light, man becomes a bridge connecting the higher and lower realms, giving proof that man is the only element making it possible for the planet to reach its Ascension, and planting in him the Magistracy of Love. Man has in his hands this Supreme Opportunity, and it is up to him to demonstrate that the Service of the Light Beings have fallen on "Good Earth".
It is now time to bring in the Harvest. It is also time to spread the good seed because this planet will be cultivated and the sowers are ready to start the work.
UNIXITRON, Commander of the Liberation Forces, has His army ready to start the great harvesting of the planet. The Hosts of Light only wait for the final call. Only man can lift the cross and indicate the moment to start
the process of collecting the good seed so, that the hosts of the Lord can start their work.
Be Conscious of the needed Service. Be conscious that to start the labor each one must go to his corresponding place with the seeds he needs to plant. In those moments you will be only as servants, and because of this ONLY THE DIVINE MANDATE WILL BE OBEYED. YOU WILL ONLY BE DIRECTED BY THE LAW OF LOVE AND ONLY WILL OBEY UNIXITRON AS THE UNIVERSAL MASTER OF THE FORCES OF LIBERATION.

In sustaining the TRIUNE-ONE BEING, by the Divine Grace of Love, I approach you. Accept the call, prepare your Temples, clean your lamps and BE READY TO OBEY.
By the Divine Grace of Love,

Remember, you have promised to Serve with all the might of your being, loving Me in each incarnated being. Your promise is still valid waiting to be completed.
Remember that you have always wanted to raise yourself above all human misery. That is possible only to the extent that you Serve ME, without rejecting anyone, no matter in what conditions you find yourself.
Remember, your Life has always been a call to Love so that your personality must discard all feelings of rancor, hate, or separatism, and in this way unify with each being, recognizing that others suffer the same or more than you because they are still in ignorance.
Remember that although you have fallen many times you have been helped to get up again, in this same manner you will also have to help those who come to you. Only this way can you see me face to face.
Remember, you have always felt that nothing is foreign to your being, that all is known because it had been assimilated by your Presence. This is the same with others, THE BEING IS THE SOURCE OF LIGHT, and for this you should love the Being unconditionally. This is your Service.
Remember, that according to the same degree that you gave Me space in your world, you pulled yourself out of the darkness of the dungeon that held you and you could contemplate the Light. Now you have to open the jail that holds your brothers.
Remember, you asked for an opportunity for Service, now I give it to you. This is your opportunity. You have to Serve me in the most loving and conscious way that your Being can manifest.
Remember that although you inhabit a dense body you are like a fragile Rose. This is your luminous condition, and through this condition you will pour Love on those that find themselves imprisoned.
Remember that you and I have lived under the Code of Love, renouncing all earthly attachments in order to reach the Supreme Consciousness of Light.
Remember that in spite of the variability of the senses, in you there is a permanent memory to which you have access, and from this you can reclaim all that is necessary for your Service.
Remember that nothing is possible without the Cohesive Force of Love. This is the Holy Essence that you must use to connect the Soul with his Original Source.
Remember that, in spite of all the pain that is experienced in the natural world, in the Beings this produces a greater understanding and desire to Service. Your path is through self renunciation.
Remember that all the beauty you have inside constantly calls to you to wake up and not immerse yourself in the irrationality of the personality.
Remember that you are LIGHT, and this LIGHT has to be taken to others who still don’t know themselves as Beings of Light, trapped in the mirage of the ego.
Remember, in the measure of the distance you remove yourself from desire you approach ME, because you overcome the possessive forces that destroy the Unity of Life. Thus, you should come to ME, without desire.
Remember, we are One and we dwell in Love no matter the appearances nor the play that you find in your environment. You will be complete at the exact moment that your promise is completed. And Free of all external debts, we can meet face to face without being bound to anything and with nothing to impede our definitive union. Meanwhile, you should remember that you have promised to Serve ME. This is the only road to approach ME.
Remember that you and I live in a Superior Octave where Love is the only Essence that maintains the Union of Being.
Because of our eternal promise of Love I remind you that our decision to separate allowed us to overcome the fear of the unknown, and soon we will be able to be together again.
There are no distances, there is no forgetfulness, only shadows that impede your vision of the eternal Reality of Love.
Because of the Divine Grace of Love, I am eternally ONE with you.
Remember, in spite of the fact the veil that covers you is very dense, you are still able to see Me face to face, and thus be transmuted into Light. You will again be a living note of The Divine Cosmic Symphony of Love.
Remember your promise is My promise, because I also have promised to be close to you in the same measure to your approximation to a higher level of vibration. Thus, in this manner, it will be possible for the higher and the lower to unite.
Remember that each time you consciously take a step I come closer to you. It is necessary for you to feel My Presence embracing you.
Remember, you are not alone, at no time have you been. The sense of being alone is a negation to Service and causes the feeling of darkness.
Remember, since the beginning our Promise of Love was established. Even though not yet fulfilled, I Am waiting for your conscious steps towards Me.
Remember, each time you search for Me it causes Me to approach closer to your world. Although even if I cannot reach your world now, a time will come in which your human form will have to receive Me.
Remember that there cannot be any more forgetfulness of this promise of Love. Now its your turn to remember every pact established with Me. It is necessary that you start to execute your labor consciously.
Remember, that in this Eternal Present, Here and Now, there has always existed a strong tie in our Union. No matter how far away you feel Me to be, I Am always with you.
Remember, that in the act of Impersonal Service you attract Me to your center. This should be your priority so that I can realize My union with you.
Remember, together We have been created, together we have lived in a high state, and to there you should return every atom of energy that forms you. To there is the calling, to there is the Rhythmic Pulsation of your Heart.
Remember, you in form can demonstrate to man that to rise up over the attraction of the material can create a bridge connecting with the Superior Worlds.
Remember, each time you overcome a point of resistance a new opening of Light is opened for the human race.
Remember, the extent of your Being can only be known by others by the giving of unconditional and Impersonal Service.
Remember, each time you permit Love to manifest through you, the Light Essence then covers other beings.
Remember, you can not ignore the Path that leads you to the BEING. This Path is the only way to Eternal Life.
Remember, if you love, it will free you. Then each day Love more so that you can liberate yourself from the heavy burden that the material world exerts on you.
Remember, the silence is a force that accumulates over the BEING, nourishing it so that it can manifest its Light. Love the silence and you will help the liberation of the BEING.
Remember, each time you allow the flow of Love, the soul ascends to the Eternal Dwelling Place.
Remember, the best balsam to cure injuries of the Soul is Love.
Remember, Life without Love is not worth anything. Allow the Love to flow through you, and thus you will give to Life it’s best nourishment.
Remember, if you want to reach to the Father-Mother, Love, only love, as Love is the ladder that takes you to Them.
Remember, you have consecrated your Life to a Divine Cause. Don’t break your promise. Many beings need your completion for them to have the opportunity of passing to a level of higher consciousness.
Remember, no other creature can have the same opportunity to Love as you. Take advantage of this to the maximum extent and thus will you see how Life turns into the Promised Eden.
Remember, there have been many calls but few have responded. But if you respond to this one, the mission of man will be accomplished.
Remember, Life needs conscious beings. Be one of them and you will be giving to Life the opportunity of expressing Love.
Remember, the path can be long and hard, but if you allow the flow of Love nothing will injure your feet and you will find the path to be enjoyable.
Remember, those who plant Love will harvest Love. But the best sower is he who allows others to bring in the harvest.
Remember, nothing material is eternal, but Love embraces with eternity the man who manifests it.
Remember, each step on the path of Love is itself a conquest in the Walk of Liberation and a balsam for the soul.
Remember, each time you inspire Love you fill your lungs, absorbing new Life to Love and Serve.
The Path that you should follow gives you day by day, second by second, the Love that you allow to flow, that you manifest when you allow Me to Be.
Because of Love I remind you:
Come what may, be what may be, LOVE IS THE ONLY NOURISHMENT FOR YOU.
In the quiet found in Loving Peace, of the Perfect Purity that Love radiates toward Life, I send you My Call of Love.
By the Divine Grace of Love
Signs will come for man which will show how mistaken he is. These signs will be in the most miserable form to tell him that dark hours are approaching for all, even for those who have sought the Light, but yet have not repented their errors.
Many signs of a different nature, of multiple forms, will be felt on the planet. All those that have misused their energy should now, or in the moments when the signs reach you, give way to the action of Light, because you will be placed under Divine Law. It does not matter how devout your Life has been, the registers of your energy will dictate how the Divine Justice should be applied.
Those who have not been truthful to themselves, using false beliefs and false precepts of Light, will be sanctioned because it is not possible to build false altars or bow to false images without affronting THE GIVER OF LIFE. Many have falsified the Truth, many have confused the innocent taking them into error, but all these false prophets will fall under the weight of the Divine Law. There cannot be opportunity for those who used the truth and power granted for Service for their own benefit.
Many have believed that salvation is reached through power and have used it indiscriminately without thinking that, at the time of judgment, the Divine Power will put them under it’s justice, demonstrating the errors to those that think that power is granted to be abused, to obtain personal well- being, and dominion over others.
The day will come when each will receive what he has planted. His actions themselves will be his judge because the energy levels of each atom that leaves a human body will return to him bringing its original charge multiplied several times over. This is the harvest of each one, and no one can refuse it. No one can deny to this offspring what it asks for, nor what is given.
The day approaches in which each one will be his own judge because in this manner the Law will be proven to be Impersonal. The settling of debts will be accomplished by the same energy used throughout life on this planet. Therefore each one knows what he will receive and it is now necessary to start preparing the way for what is coming. If you have planted Love prepare to receive Love, if you planted hate you will receive your corresponding action.
It is not necessary to predict what will occur. Many voices have already done this. The extent of the coming events will be according to the extent of the Law violated. It has been stipulated that each one will be assisted in those supreme moments. Furthermore it is necessary for you to understand that this assistance the Higher Levels offer are in relation to the Service rendered by each of you to Life. It cannot be expected that the violator of the Law will be offered the same opportunity as the sincere Server. All of this will be in accordance with the manner in which each one has used his energy, and this will only be determined by the internal records of your lives, and the external acts full of false Love or lacking in Faith.
The hour is approaching, the time in which the planet has to pass into a new orbit, and is not permissible that all the garbage you have with you pass on to that level - this would upset the Order governing the process. This is why it is necessary to allow the Action of Balance and Equilibrium to put things in order within each of the levels of existence. This is the way to proceed to repolarize the energy that constitutes the planet. In this manner it will be possible to establish the new rhythms that correspond to the steady beat of the Loving Heart of the Father-Mother. This makes it necessary that each one, as the small planet that you each are, begin to put in order your energy, putting each thing in its own place, cleaning and repolarizing all that needs to pass on to the new system. Dispose of those things that have no place there. It is necessary for you to understand that all should attune themselves with the energetic currents that will begin to cover the planet. It is necessary that you understand that all those that are "Mature" should act openly to show this maturity. Therefore it is not necessary to give specific instructions of what each one should do. This will come, or manifest internally, from each level of consciousness to the corresponding centers of action in form.
It is necessary that man be more conscious with the passing of time, more responsible for his acts, more mature in the use of this energy, because in the days to come on earth each will be called upon to balance his energies. This is how each will know within which pattern he fits, which level of vibration is his, and which level will be his development within the course of the evolution of the planet.
Because the events that are being announced can begin to manifest at any moment, it is necessary that each one begin to work on himself. Each knows his weak points and what energy he has misused. In this way he knows, or should know, how to put his energy in order. Therefore it is recommended you do it now. This is not the time to be untruthful with yourselves because internally you will perceive clearly the feeling of rejection to this condition. It is not necessary to act externally in order to demonstrate that you are working.
Silence is the best manner in which to work. ALL THAT HAS BEEN HIDDEN I WILL REVEAL TO THE WORLD, Said THE LORD.
The best action to follow is one realized through conscious work, searching for the true manner of cleaning the energy of which you are composed. This is how you can attune yourselves to the new vibration that will enter the planet. It is necessary to be willing to be of Service because as you enter this process the energy you have not yet qualified will return to you to be redeemed, and then returned purified to its real center. It is recommended that you center yourselves in the action of Love. You must have much love for yourselves so as to put yourselves in order. The opportunity for your Liberation now rests with you. Each has free will. Moreover each must be conscious that nothing is of value if you cannot renounce erroneous ways of thinking or of action. It is preferable to put yourselves in the "hands of God" and to renounce your free will than to be chained to the errors of your actions.
It is necessary that each be conscious of what he should do. All must work consciously for the Liberation of their Being and not find themselves trapped within the readjustment of debts that is approaching. Each one must know that he is responsible for each atom of energy that is his, and that this energy has to be put in order, cleaned and made ready for Service.
There are not many opportunities left. The planet is entering its period of cleansing and preparation for a new level of evolution. Prepare yourselves so that you can enter that system of energy. If not you will be removed from the planet for not being in harmony. Not being in order, you cannot enter the new wave of vibration and you will have to accept the process accorded to all rebels that did not accept the orders of Light, emitted for all to submit to as conscious beings to the action of Love.
In recognition of the DIVINE ORDER that governs the Universe and obeying the Will of the Great Central Sun we bring you this appeal.
In compliance with the SACRED WILL OF THE ONE, I am yours, an Elder Brother,

Through the action of Light and following Its Divine Action of Liberation, recognizing that Love is the force that moves the Universe of Universes, The Great Central Sun, I make this call.
Children of Love, The Father-Mother has called many times and each time you have laughed at it. You have thought this to be merely words to scare you and cause you to abandon your vicious ways of living. But it is not so, each call has been an opportunity offered for your consciousness to be elevated to a higher level, and to be able to pass on to a new level of evolution as integrators of the planet.
Many decrees of Light have been emanated from the Great Central Sun and have been made to reach you through whorls of energy that are charged with "touching" the levels of human existence. From here have been foreseen the ways that each one can overcome the obstacles that present themselves in your daily lives. Each detail of your individual process has been taken into account, considering that each one is a small universe with your own laws and actions which makes you unique beings, marvelous beings to manifest the Divine will.
The mechanisms have been foreseen that each one, using his free will, will be able to reach his Liberation and Ascension more quickly, AS A COMPLETE BEING, PERFECT AND MARVELOUSLY UNIFIED WITH HIS HIGHER BEING IN THE INTERNAL LEVELS. No aspect of the process of Liberation is discarded. All has been perfectly coded in each pattern of energy and provided as messages of Light through the Servers in the worlds of form.
But, what has happened? It appears that you have not heard the calls of your beings, nor the calls made by others beings. This causes us to reflect and conclude that man has to be placed in front of elements that counterbalance his destructive forces. Because of this and having reached a point where the planet is ready to pass on to its new process of development, others means have been suggested, such as inharmonious family relationships and confrontation with elemental forces which can cause you to feel how mistaken you are. So, having come to this point so critical to the existence of humanity, we call to you to reflect, to be aware that you must change your manner of using energy, or this same energy will destroy you. There are no other alternatives because the human family has reached the point of maximum insanity with its infighting and doing damage to itself. We can see that within these vortices that are destroying you, THE DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS is very far away from your Currents of Life. Then what can be done? Wait until you destroy yourselves and the planet? Then, what meaning does the creation of this planet and your own creation have?
Children of Love, reflect, where will your insanity take you? This is a call of your being, a clamor from the Hosts of Light, a desperate cry of the Elemental Forces. IT IS A MOAN OF PAIN FORM THE PLANETARY BEING. IT IS A PRAYER THAT LOVE REACH YOU. REFLECT ON IT!
Search for your origins of Light. Return to yourselves. There, is a dark corner, there is a little being, an atom of Light, a small point of Light, THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE! You are abandoning yourselves to the point of being extinguished. These Atoms are DIVINE SEEDS at the point of being absorbed by Love, by the SUPREME FOUNTAIN OF LIFE.
Do you think what you have lived, what you have done is what you have set out to do? NO! You have lived mechanically, without sense, without giving your being the opportunity to express itself, and thus to express your real function, your real action, WHAT YOU ARE. Thus, mechanically you have lived your lives, error after error, violating the Laws of Life, struggling with your brother, committing crimes, KILLING YOUR OWN BEING. Do you think this is living? REFLECT ON IT, because your mission is something else and very different from what you have done, diametrically opposed to the Life you have lived. YOUR MISSION, as was coded in your energy, AS YOUR INTERNAL VOICE TELLS YOU, IS MARKED BY LOVE, Love for yourselves, and in this Love, Love for your brothers, and through them, Love for Life in all its beauty. Thus, through this Love, realize the your responsibility to live without violence, without stealing, but allowing YOUR BEING TO EXPRESS ITSELF, TO LIBERATE ITSELF AND TO TOUCH OTHERS IN ITS ACTION, UNIFYING AND ILLUMINATING EACH CURRENT OF LIFE IN EVOLUTION.
Do you think this is difficult? No, not so, because it does not violate any Laws. The difficulty is to go against the evolution of things and impair the Manifestation of the BEING. This causes you to violate all the laws of the Universe and has you accused by Divine Law. Meanwhile, Love liberates you, BECOMING ONE WITH THE DIVINE ESSENCE OF LOVE.
Son of Love, The planet is about to enter a New Dwelling Place, do you think you can enter with it? Do you deserve this blessing? Nothing nor anyone will be able to enter the new orbit of energy if you first have not settled your debts to Life.
You cannot reach the Supreme happiness of dwelling in the Holy Star of Liberation if you haven’t first liberated yourselves. This is to say that if you wish to pass on with the planet into it’s new orbit you should place yourself in ORDER, YOU SHOULD BE A FREE BEING, UNIFIED WITH THE SUPREME FOUNTAIN OF LOVE, THUS CONFORMING TO THE TRINITY OF THE FATHER-MOTHER-SON emanating within the New Earth orbit.
Do you consider yourself chosen? Who or what makes you think so? Can you say who has the right to that New World? Why do you think such? What makes you capable of shunting aside your brothers? No one may pass on to the new place without first having settled his accounts, of having given of himself, and of the SUPREME TRIBUNAL having given It’s verdict and confirmation that YOU ARE A FREE BEING.
Children of Love, the Humble condition of a FREE BEING earns you credits towards the rights granted by the FATHER-MOTHER, but NO human personality with a vain streak may be in possession of them, nor one who feels superior to another SON OF GOD. Thus, ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE OVERCOME THEIR ERRORS, that have settled their accounts with Life, and are truly FREE BEINGS, can have the right to a better world. Because of this I call to you to bow your heads and realize that you should be working with yourselves, that nothing human can pass through the Electronic ring that protects the New Dwelling place, and that only a HUMBLE CONDITION OF BEING is the guarantor of that Blessing.
All work starts with the recognition of the nothingness of man, of his wrong behavior, his egoistic condition of separation, his permanent condition of rebellion. Do you think you have surpassed this? This is how it is, I give you my hand and Together we will go before Our Father-Mother asking for His Divine Unction.
Children of Love, within the Great Heart of the Father-Mother, has gestated the most marvelous opportunity for your Liberation. I Am now toasting one of your many nuances, THE ACTION OF LOVE AS A LIBERATING FORCE, AS A UNITING FORCE FOR ALL MEN AND WOMEN. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT! The planet is very near to passing on to a new orbit and where will you be if you are not in harmony with it?
Children of Love, turn to all that elevates the condition of your beings, that elevates the condition of your consciousness. Search out the right path that takes you to the ONE FOUNTAIN. All has been poured on the external world. Don’t conform with being spectators. Get A C T I V E ! Each one within himself can reach what others only promise. You are the Causes and the Endings, and can overcome all that impedes your reaching THE SUPREME BEING.
I leave this information in your hands, and in your beings I have left all the LOVE you need to surmount all obstacles and win the Glory.