



Free the Love and consolidate yourself in it. I, being in you, propose The Enunciation of Light as the only path to Liberation. Accept this position and associate with MY BEING, you, as a Channel of expression, I as the communicator. In this association, we will formulate the Service of a CONSCIOUS MAN AND HIS BEING, thus becoming THE DIVINE UNITY, so that THE COSMIC CHRIST may join our forces. This is the positive energy of My Light Being with the negative of your earthly being (dark Light). So, in this manner, the Word will become flesh and flesh will express Light.
Let Me merge with your nature, to immerse Myself with your physical body, breaking the force of gravity of the Planet, because in any other manner it would be very difficult to raise you. Your permission for this action will make it possible for your physical garment to be raised and the vibrational field appropriate for your Ascension to be established.
Let Me merge Myself with you. In the same manner, you will be entering a process of sensitization by accepting that I AM your Divine Nature . In this manner will you pass into a body of very high vibration that will make it possible for you to be a perfect Channel of the ALMIGHTY PRESENCE THAT I AM.
It is time for you to recognize that it is necessary to get rid of the weight that you still bear, and for that it is required that you predispose yourself to accept Me in you. I Am willing to accept you in Me, because in this way we will manifest the Will of the One, thus raising the energy of matter, and then the Light will impregnate form. You are an electron inside the great network of the Body of the ALL BEING. I AM another electron that in sympathy with you, join My forces with your worldly form, testifying that it is possible to marry the Divine with the worldly.
The Octave of Light in which you move is very dense, but with your desire of Liberation you can build a very subtle bridge that will allow My Being to touch your Being and so achieve the Unity that is so important to be manifested. Give me the opportunity to live among men. Be my bearer. Join me in My feeling of Unity and accept being One with Me, because it is necessary that men see how the human Essence becomes Divine and how the Divine Essence descends and materializes itself in the human form. It is necessary to break the barrier created by separatism that has prevented this fluidity between the human and the Divine. It is time for you to allow My Being to join your Being. Let me act through you.
Within your experience there has always been a hidden message that My Being has captured. It has been a loving call, directed towards the world in which one lives only in the Eternal Light of the Constant Flame of Love that has allowed the creation of a field of sympathy between your Being and My Being. But your personality has been asleep to My wish. Now I call you to awaken and to be conscious of My wish of being united with you. Therefore, let me unite My Being to your Being.
Your calls have made it possible for you to be a Channel of Light, but the external influences make you believe that it is not possible because the earthly world has separated man from his True Nature. But internally you know that this is an answer to the call you made.
Then, allow Me to join with your Being! In this way I can give testimony that it is possible to sustain a permanent path of energy between the above (Heaven) and the below (Earth). You should permit Me to give you proof of this Great Truth, because I am asking you to allow Me to join your Being, and so be a Communicator of the Light Essence of the ALL BEING, you being My Channel.
The communication that you have internally sustained has been captured from the first moment by My Being. But it has been necessary to corroborate if your wish was real, or if it was simply something temporary. Little by little your calls were accumulated until you have been able to perceive My answer, but even then your personality has been a barrier that prevents My complete Unification with you and to give testimony of the flow of Light through human nature.
An energy field has been created, a bridge that you have created day by
day with your calls. Now I'm taking advantage of it to reach and ask you to allow Me to Join with your Being. It is you who now must answer Me and show Me that you are ready to let Me flow through you into the external world. As usual, the flow of Light will be gentle, with much Love, so that your carnal body does not feel the shock that represents the Energy of My Being. Your preparation will allow the Light to flow outward. But now I wish for you to be conscious that you and I Are One and that from now on I will pulsate My Being through you. It is time that you allow Me to touch other Beings, and for them to be aware of My impulse. Let yourself be led, do not be afraid, because you have the ability to be a transformer of My Energy. Your vehicle must accept the thrust of My Light so as to become an instrument of My actions towards other beings, your brothers.
In your limited carnal expression you can contain My Energy, because little by little your physical body will be accelerated, until it is One with My Vibration of Love. Being so, gently at first, you will be able to carry all My charge and pressure to your fellow man. For now let me touch your garments, so that they become adapted little by little to My Nature, allowing me to flow towards Life that surrounds you.
The gentleness of Love will make possible My penetration of you to be like the soft caress of the wind, but your consciousness will capture it because I will make you aware of My Presence, of My Vibration. Only in the awareness of My Presence will you allow me to flow, because in unconsciousness the Strength of the Being becomes clouded and the Divine Nature is confused with the human one, loosing the power of Communion that it brings.
I need your submission to this Service. I need you to associate yourself with Me in the unconditionality of a friend, a brother, a lover. I need your surrender to My Being because your consent towards Me must permit My Energy to touch others, and in this you will only be the instrument so that I can Energize the Being that lives in the shadows.
In the awareness of this call, there must be an answer for Me, because as I ask for an opportunity to flow through you, I grant you the opportunity to be conscious of the Service that you must render. Only in this manner can you fulfill a perfect execution of the Order of the ALL BEING. It is necessary for you, being in outer form, to accept being My bearer, while I in the Superior Octave will raise you. It must be so, because Consciousness and Love are required. Without Love this process would not be possible; without Love there would be no Force of Unity and you would not be able to make your bodies accept Me, becoming Channels of My Light.
I ask you to join yourself to the Conscious Action of this call. As I offer you the opportunity of an Impersonal Service, in the same manner I wish that only Love be what drives you to join Me, because a marriage without Love is worthless and Our relationship is in the Order of Divine Love, and for eternity. It will be the marriage of My Being with your Being, and that can only be realized in Love.
In view of the fact that you have called many times, I answer now because it is necessary to testify that the communication of man with the Higher Octaves is possible. My answer is at the same time a call for you to work now more consciously than ever, for you to be ready to be My Channel, My conductor, to allow Me to take you where My Presence is needed in the world of form.
Get in touch with Me. You know how, because you have made the bridge that brings you to Me, through the same bridge that I am reaching you. It is not the first time, but now I Want you consciously to allow Me to take you where the Service that you should give is required. Do not ask how, or when. I am the only one who knows and it is only for you to accept My Guidance.
In this fluidity of the Light, Love has made possible our encounter, and for such Love I have reached out to you, because it is necessary that men know how it is that Love can make the Earth a better world. It is My greatest desire that you be a provider of Love to those requesting it, to whom ever wishes it, and at the same time be a Channel of My Light.
Stand up! Walk and act with the strength of the power of Love! It is necessary for men to understand that with Love any action is possible. Power is destructive, while Love is unifying. It is necessary for men to participate in the redemption of the human condition and only Love will make possible the raising of his Nature to its real Order in the Light. It is necessary for men to acknowledge that the greatest power is in Love, in Its Divine Nature, because when you love, you can Free the Being from the shadows that embrace it.
No other single event of power will bring man out from his darkness.
Rise up! Walk and act with the strength of the power of Love! There is no other path for Liberation and I Am ready to provide all the Love that you need in order to reach your Being trapped in the shadows. Only allow Me to cover you with My Light, transforming you into ONE WITH ME. Allow only Love in yourself, and may the force of Light make you conscious of the need for men to perceive Love, feel Love, see Love, to live in Love. This is My petition to you. This is my call of Love, because without Love it will not be possible to raise up Planet Earth. It will not be possible for men to be united and to establish the "I AM" Brotherhood. Without Love it will not be possible to raise the Being that waits in darkness, not allowing man to live in the Light.
Rise up! and act with the strength of the power of Love! because without the Light Force nothing makes sense. What is Life without Love. It would be cold, mechanical, rigid. Love gives warmth, the force within Life. Its Light force makes Creation possible, which makes possible for Nature to lavish its gifts on men, giving them the desire to live.
Rise up! I Am with you. This moment has always been. Even before you made your first call, I have been with you, waiting for your metamorphosis, your reconstruction, your transformation, from simple embryo to Man-Being, to Conscious-Being, to Conscious Man. I had to wait millenniums, but it has been an eternal today because Love does not grow old, it does not get tired, and it can always renew itself. It is permanently faithful in its Eternal Light of Love. In this way I have remained faithful to you, to your growth and awakening, waiting for that someday when you would raise your head and seek My Light. In such manner I have waited for you to decide to come out of the dust, to wash your garments in Service to Life. Meanwhile your Being has reached Me, has been with Me, while your personality has wandered without apparent direction, searching for something, without knowing what it was.
I have seen you fall, but always in sadness. I have seen you strengthen your soul and start again on the path.
Many times you felt alone, but it has not been so, because you have been gently assisted and Your Being nurtured so as not to abandon the given task. When you have been weak I have called to you and your Being has poured over you the sweet Essence of Love, making you feel My company.
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In this eternal now, I have been faithful to you. Many times I have let My energy cover You, thus filling you with a new vigor, taking you to a new level of vibration so that your personality would be able to perceive Me better. Little by little you have become conscious of Me. Nevertheless there is a light veil that prevents you from perceiving Me with clarity, in all the Magnificence of My Being. But even so, I accept You and I invite you to join with My Being, because without seeing me you have believed and that makes you worthy of MY BEING. Without hearing you have heard Me, and without understanding you have understood Me. Then, when you can see, hear and fully comprehend, we shall Be ONE, without barriers, without obstacles,
because if in the excesses of the external you were able to be guided, now that you yourself ask for guidance, I cannot abandon you. Now that our relationship is from BEING TO BEING, in that interchange, the little resistance there is will give way, because Love will become Lord within you and then nothing, nor anyone, will prevent Our Union from being eternal.
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You now choose to surrender to My Being as I choose My surrender to your Being. It is an established commitment made since the beginning of time. I have watched over you while you dreamed, but now you awaken. As was planned in the beginning with the decision for you to go down into the dense plane while I watched over the White Vestment of Our future and definitive union, now today your return is more tangible, closer, more certain and now I AM the one Who has to ask your permission to let Me express through you, because you have been able to form the structure, the instrument in which Light must flow.
Therefore, I ask you to allow Me to use your Channel, fusing Myself with You because you have been able to form the bridge by which I can descend into the dense plane. You have been able to climb the mountain and now it is My turn to descend to you.
The renunciation of everything foreign, of everything strange, of all that was not a part of you has made possible the connection between you and Me. Little by little you discerned between what is real and illusion, thus remaining in Unity with Me, and even though temporary clouds hide the Light from you, you know perfectly that Our Union is permanent and nothing external may separate you from the Light Nucleus to which you belong. Therefore, it is necessary for you to allow Me to show man that the truth of Love makes it possible for Heaven to be on Earth, and it is necessary to consolidate such a Union in each incarnated Being, because in this manner we can achieve restitution of the Trinity in the Light Consciousness of the Planet.
You are called to fulfill this task of teaching among mankind, to show men how to Be ONE with the Light, because in any other manner it would not be possible to produce the fusion of the ALL BEING with his Creation, nor to manifest the Divine Archetype that is the true nature of incarnated Beings in the Planet School called Earth.
In this opportunity it will be necessary for you to be conscious that just as you have endeavored to find My answer it will be necessary for you to fight and sustain yourself even though you do not see any human answer of direction or help. Do not stop giving the Service that pertains to you because it would not be possible to establish a focus of Light on Earth without your efforts. As well as you have strengthened yourselves internally, winning over the most difficult of obstacles, so you must do outwardly too, for you can make the bridge by which others may Raise themselves to the Light of their Being and the Light of the ALL BEING MAY REACH THEM. Your sustained petition has made possible a solid point of connection, and thus you have an answer from the Octave of Light where your Being lives.
For many men this is impossible because they have lost Faith in the world that they do not see. The answers do not come manifested at the moment of their request. They do not realize that it is necessary to anchor themselves in a specific aspect and to make appeals to Him patiently, until the dark shell that covers the Planet is pierced. Even then, persist and persist, until the energy raises above all human creation, until it depersonalizes and constitutes itself into a cry of the Being, in a call from all Beings in a permanent prayer, until a hand is given from the Octave of Light towards Planet Earth.
So, when the PURITY OF MOTIVE is proven and man has lost his last desire for his personality to be the doer, then the answer is given as the sign that you have been heard. You may have doubts or fear at first, and, in this moment it pertains to the Octave of Light to maintain the fluidity of Light over the Being until the personality realizes that this is not a utopian dream, that you have really been heard and answered.
Therefore, today I come to tell you, your Being has been covered gently with the Love of My Being even though the rebelliousness of the personality has resulted in the loss of Communion many times. My faithfulness towards you has sustained the Hope that you can understand My message and give yourself as an instrument of My Light, a point of support, so that Love may flow on Earth. It is necessary for you to know now how important it is to understand my proposal because your permission is necessary for My Light to flow to other Beings, your brothers.
Today is your turn to open your heart so that the Light that flows from My Being fills your Being with Love, and you may feel its vibrant nature, and thus recognize how real is My surrender to your Being. The expansion of your consciousness is according to your own willingness to allow the Light to flow over your vestments, the Real Order that must reign over Our Union. In this manner day by day, you may contact new forms of communication, new ways of action, and new patterns of Service. In this manner you may verify that I am working through you, which will make you understand that it is necessary to allow Me to flow out toward the world of form.
The task to be fulfilled is guided by Love. Its Light Force will point out the pattern of action, and so will create a permanent path between My Being and your Being to give testimony that man is a God in Essence, because his real nature is pure Light. The Light Essence that has allowed Me this passage of energy has been built by your Conscious effort with the energy that you have given for the Freedom of the Being in others. You yourself are now a new point of Light, but it is necessary for that Light to be expanded, to be radiated, to be multiplied, and in that process I can be your best guide because Love will strengthen the internal connection with the Being, with the Unity of Life that contains Us.
Live in Love, but know that you will be externally tested until the last atom of your vestments may radiate Purity, and in this manner you will lighten your external vehicle to such a degree that I will be able to establish Myself in it and you will consciously become my messenger.
Live in Love, loving others more than yourself, but this does not mean that you will kneel before the ignorance that holds them; on the contrary, you must allow the Liberating Light of Love to flow, to extract them out of that world of unconsciousness. Only then will you succeed and a new atom will be illuminated on the Planet.
Live in Love, without fear, without doubts, without the dividing forces that damage so much the relations among men. It is necessary to give way to the conscious action of the Liberating Love and you will not be able to hide your Light from men. On the contrary, you must allow the Light to flow among them.
Live in Love, and so you will allow Me to join you filling your Being with Love. And above any eventuality, let Love fill you, let Love nurture you, let Love multiply itself in you, let Love Free you from unconsciousness.
Live in Love, in the marvelous Liberty of Being, of the New concept of what Love really is. In such Freedom, let others be Free, Free in the Light Consciousness that each of you must Be. Give them the sign of the path that they must travel.
Live in Love, and let your Being communicate with My Being, with each man, with each particle of Life, because in this manner you will become part of the Light Essence to which you really belong and which you must give to other Beings.
Live in Love, in its Marvelous Unifying Presence, allowing all men to come to Me. In this same manner give yourself to them, being only a vehicle of My expression, and thus reaching the Light Essence in which lives his Being. Give yourself to them, to bless the Light of Life.
Live in Love, and if you feel weakened, let My Being cover you, making you feel the marvelous flow of Light through your vestments. Let me cover the others, and love the others, because I also will Be in them. You must love Me in each particle of Life, under any condition that you find Me or see Me.
Live in Love, there is no other way to live because Life without Love is not Life, it is a nightmare that petrifies, that chains men to an infinite circle of going and coming, and it is necessary for you to break out of it into a Higher Octave, into a higher Level of Consciousness.
Live in Love, in His Divine Light Essence, there lies My Nature, there lies My Home and you must live in It. As hard as this task seems, create your identity with Me and you will see that all loads disappear and the path becomes flat and the roughness of earthly life will not hurt you.
Live in Love, in His Light Fortress. You must stay there in such manner that you may help others to find the path which will take them to the ONE Light, to the Integration with the ALL BEING.
Live in Love, multiply your strength there. Nothing eternal will harm you because your Protecting Shield will cover you and will never allow your Being to weaken. It will be your surrender to Life through Service for Love. It will make possible your permanent Union with Me and your Being.
Live in Love, and you will come out of the dream of the personality and you will be able to see Me face to face uncovering the veils that still prevent you from seeing me in others and loving me there.
Live in Love, that is your Only way of Liberation. There is no other way that you can reach Me and that I can reach you. There is no other way in which your Service towards Life can be perfect and that Purity may cover you with its Light.
Live in Love, it is My Light Essence and with it I want you to reach the fallen. That will be your way of Service. It will be your shield and your
sword, and with Love nobody can stop you on the way towards the Heights where I am waiting for the agreement contracted many eons of Light ago to enter into the Eternal Marriage, in Our Eternal Union.
Live in Love, there is no other order for you; in It you will find everything you need. It will supply all your needs. It will supply all you require for your Service towards Life. It will give you the New Order, the New Coin, the New Family, the New Home, because what you see now is false, and your Being feels anguish. It deteriorates because of what surrounds you.
Live in Love and be Free with the Freedom of a Conscious Man, with the knowledge born from the effort realized to Serve Life. It is your only opportunity to Be Free, therefore take advantage of it and give Freedom to the Being that lives in the shadows.
Live in Love, there I wait for you. Here you are able to bind to other points in your network and thereby to enlarge the Kingdom of God upon Earth. Only thus can you walk by My hand, and I may act through you.
Live in Love, nothing new will be born if it does not have this Essence of Life, therefore it pertains to you to energize it and give it consciously to those surrounding you, to those Beings who are anxiously seeking for the Source of Love.
Live in Love, nothing nor no one can bloom without its influx, and you must be a spring where he who thirsts can drink and become alive, finding the Light that he seeks, the Light Force of his Being. It pertains to you to spread the Living Water of Love. You must fill your cup from its Fountain of Liberation.
Live in Love, only so you will have the right to the Liberation of your Being and your permanent Union with Him. And I, your Being, ask you to Drink from the Cup of Love, enjoy its Sweetness, feel its Purity, its Wisdom. Do you think you can live without Him? I AM HIS LIGHT FORCE, I AM LOVE. Could you live without Me?
Live in Love, because I need you to liberate Me. I Am contained in each incarnated Being and you must look for Me there. Therefore it is necessary that you live in Love in order to get closer to Me. You will have to go where there is no Love, where there is no Light, where the human ego has made the Light of My Being a prisoner. I need you to Love Me and Liberate Me. And only Love will give you the strength to do this.
Live in Love. I need your Light Force to fill Me with Life, because where I am living the shadows steal My force and the cold of death surrounds Me; you can liberate Me with the Force of Love.
Live in Love, I need your surrender so that you may Liberate Me. I am contained in the most dense circle that entraps matter. You will have to go there to bring Me out. I will go with you, because He who is there, is here and I AM in permanent Unity with the Light of the All BEING.
Live in Love, there is no other way for you and I to become ONE. Otherwise, you will not be able to liberate yourself and liberate Me. You will not be able to see Me, and it is necessary that you see Me, that you feel Me, that you recognize Me behind the costume that imprisons Me. Give Me Love there, give Me Life there. Let Me touch Me, feel Me, recognize Me, join Me, liberate Me. Because this is I AM, this is you, this is Love, the Life imprisoned by ignorance, and that which you Consciously have to illuminate. You must feel My Presence, because internally I am a prisoner and externally I have to cover Me until the divider that prevents my Total Fusion with the Life that Lives there is broken.
That is why I call to you. I Have heard your call and I Have answered your call, I Have sustained your transition through Life until I have seen you transformed into a Human Being seeking for your conscious Unity with Life.
Today I need your consciousness, your recognition of My Being, and I call to you because it is necessary that you now sustain My transition towards Life. You must help Me to raise myself up there, to reencounter Me where I am a prisoner, where you peacefully live because you have mastered that which surrounds you, and you can go and come, without other vestment being necessary. Your world for Me is a challenge because it is very difficult for My Essence to install itself there and to become manifested. That is why I need a vestment. Give Me the opportunity to circulate on Earth, to walk on your paths, to take the Light to the Being that lives in the shadows.
You have called and you have received an answer. Allow Me now to receive your proof of Love, thus finding a point of support for me to be able to reach others with My answer to their calls. Therefore, as you can feel that there is an interchange between us, allow Me to feel the joy of knowing that I can interchange through you with the Life that clamors on Earth.
Let that Life feel the help that it is requested. Let Me get to the Being that lives there to give him strength so he can sustain himself. Let Me touch the bodies that contain Him so they feel that it is possible to interchange a connection with other levels of Consciousness.
Today I come to you as a Being that has felt Freedom, as a body that has felt the warmth of Love, as a Life that has received an answer of help for his Liberation. As a part of Me that knows that "I AM". As I Myself that needs to interact with other parts of Me, I come to you, because there is an opening, a way to do it. But how to reach the call of the others that are imprisoned if there is no form of communication, if there are no vehicles ready to Serve Me?
Today I come to you so that you will allow Me to transform Myself into tangible Essence for the other Beings. I come to you so that you, man, will allow Me to let the Love that I feel flow, which I AM and which is Life. Therefore, it pertains to you to give Me an answer. I hope you are conscious of My closeness to you because your time to Serve has come and you must Serve consciously, otherwise it will not be possible for Me to get close to you, to the Being imprisoned, chained to form. Only consciously can you express Me because I cannot violate your free will. I cannot violate the Laws of Love.
Join Me and you will see how much I need to get close to your world. There you can go and come, so take Me with you, and in this way the Light on the Planet will be greater. You as My Body, I as your Being. United, outpouring Love, Liberating, Giving Life, allowing the Divine Order of the ALL BEING to touch all men equally.
Today I come to you, the human part, the body that has grown and has strengthened Thanks to the Force of Love that little by little has flowed over it. It is your turn now to be Conscious, to show that your call was with Purity and that your desire to Serve was Real. I give you the opportunity to be conscious of Love. Give Me the opportunity to Serve men by permitting Me to take you as My instrument.
In the proximity of these two octaves, the human and the Divine, there is a breach that must be crossed by the Conscious Acts of Men. When this happens, the two energies are no longer bound, being only human or only Divine, becoming ONE-TRIUNE, IN LOVE, IN LIGHT, IN THE HOLY PRESENCE OF THE ALL BEING. You are chosen for that. I also. If your desires are sincere come close to Me, and I will come close to you until Our energies touch each other and join together as ONE, TO BE TRIUNE, TO BE THE LIGHT OF THE ALL BEING AND RENDER OUR REAL SERVICE TO LIFE TAKING LOVE TO MEN.
When you decide to cross the barrier that separates Us I will come towards you and We will find each other midway where matter becomes Divine
and Light becomes dense, thus conquering the extremes and consummating the greatest Act of Love and of Sacrifice. Only so is man liberated when surrendering himself in the Light, and to the Light he raises when surrendering himself to Men. This marriage is necessary and I ask you for the opportunity to consummate it.
This is My call to You. I wait for you at the limit of the Octave that contains Me. Because of Love I call you, because of Love I await you. FOR LOVE MUST BE OUR UNION.


Triangle of Love, sustained by the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS OF UNIXITRON. Established as a Song of Love to Life, so that men may comprehend that matter has to raise its vibratory rate, and that Light may descend upon it to give itself to the consciousness of the Divine Element that will Join them. Love is the Cohesive Force that will establish the union that no one will be able to break.