Dear Fellow Planetary citizen!... Dear Partner of Life!, The Cosmos Greets you!; whoever you are; man or woman, youth or adult... Whaterver country, race, language or religion that you might be... The Great Fraternity of the Universe Greets you!...

Friend, Our human race in its long journey through life, has completed an important cycle of maturity... and now everything begins to move towards a New and High Evolutionary Escalade in which you are invited to Participate... This contact is to notify you that our Human Race and our dear Planetary Being, together have conquered and entered to a New Cycle of Life that marks the beginning of a New Cosmic Dawn!... A Dawn of Peace, Balance and Equilibrium, under the influence of all Universal Masters of Wisdom!.

One New Dawn with the Radiant and potent Light of the Useful and Beautiful Truth, now begins to emerge from the most intimate of you, in each human being, in each Diamantine Heart willing to Wake Up to Reality... From there, this potent Lit Light begins radiant to illuminate the darkest darkness that hides inside each human being, transmuting here “ignorance”.

Partner of Life, now, we can with freedom allow the flow of potentialities and kindness of our Real Loving Being that lies in each one of us. Yes Friend, now you can Request-Solicit with humbleness the expression of the Power of the DIVINE LOVE in your small world; welcome This Being of Love with Happiness and Joy, and with a lot of Gratefulness!... Participate in this Cosmic course that already begins to be revealed for all of us!... Wake Up to Reality! Begin with your Attention to feed the “Not fed Flame” that lives in your heart, in the worthy part of yourself..., that at the end of each victory, after a tired pilgrimage of improved service, will enjoy your Illuminated and Eternal Conscience...

The humanity and mainly the volunteers, the responsible ones, have in front of us the Glorious Global Task of settling down in our planet a New World Order to manifest The GLOBAL GOVERNMENT OF HUMANITY, but this time in Kindness, Truth and Beauty... Conforming only one Global Nation, only one Global Race, only one Global Religion, only one Global Currency, only one Global School, only one Global Family and only one Global Language...just as specified by the Divine Constitution of the Universe. Now we can, once and for all, unite all our towns of the world and live in Peace and Harmony to restart our Universal Career of Ascendant Life.

It is true that our world is in crisis, the planet has too many problems; therefore we need your cooperation to establish a better world... it is necessary to carry out many tasks, it is necessary to intensify our conscious efforts to respond correctly before this opportunity that the Cosmos offers to man for his evolution to a higher scale...

There are thousands of jobs to do; you can see them wherever you pose your attention... Now, it is important to make Wise Use of the Time, every minute should be used with Altruism and Loving Service to the neighbor… Activate your Nuclear Mind, and use your Discernment to clear the clouds that prevents you from perceiving what you truly have to make to achieve an altruistic work that coordinates perfectly, and work to the unison and in the same direction with all those that are already working for the establishment of the New World Order; but with a perspective towards our Great Divine Destination that Here and Now is beginning... We never tell our Volunteers what is necessary to do in the world, neither which is the most urgent work; because each one should consider, from their internal discernment and in relation with what surrounds him, which is the most urgent work... But, the certain thing is that when a person takes an Action to Serve the world, immediately is presented by affinity the appropriate team, and in a growing way they go increasing and improving their Service to the World..., and when working altruistically for the biggest good possible, for the largest quantity of beings possible and for the longest time possible, you will begin, at the same time, to transform in your intern the cause-roots of all the dense forces of “inertia” that maintain you in the egocentric and exaggerated condition of the unconscious Life...

Friend, Son of the Light!, in this world geste of The Planetary Liberation you are not alone, with your conscious act you are immediately integrated to those that already crossed this path of Upward Life before you... Dare yourself!, Dare yourself!, Dare yourself!, and Listen inside yourself the Call that our Father of Fathers is making!, He Calls us to Return back to the Cosmic Home... Notice that you can evolve toward Superior Levels of Consciences that you have not been able to contemplate or imagine... Don't underestimate yourself!, for what you conceive for the time being as “imperfection” or as primitive, because seening it from high levels of Conscience, this is simply and flatly the arduous and tedious process of maturity that goes from seemingly imperfect ways to perfect forms; so everything is “perfectible”… therefore, let it Be!, let it Be!, let it Be!, don't identify yourself... Remember that we are only passing through a brief evolutionary pilgrimage through the face of the earth... the Earth and all the worlds are true Planet-Schools, and together with their inhabitants among the Time-Space, they evolve with resolution.

Life in our planet has begun to take new and superior stimulate energy!. We should realize and understand that our small young children of today’s world are requesting-soliciting and demanding with many attitudes that the world that we have inherited, should begin to make true Sense of Life. What sense will life have for all children of the world if all their lifes are going to be super-conditioned and forced to live in a mechanical and unconscious life?, What world are we going to leave to our children?

We should transform the tremendous “monotony”... From now on there is not necessity to re-invent the wheel or to imitate anybody... We have already learned sufficiently that all kinds of “monotony” put in danger the man's life on earth, because the monotony grants too much power to the material body", and therefore, it harms directly the soul... Knowing how we have worked mistakenly in the past, all the terrible consequences that many times we have received; even so, are we going to wait with our crossed arms for everything to get ruined and finished?.. and only then begin to repair or to recompose the valuable life in the planet?...
Friend, notice that we are beginning a new Dawn of a New Life!, is the Dawn of the Morantes Souls!, is the Dawn of the so yearned “Better World”!: Free of all the opposites!!!...

Fortunately, Now We are capable, and we have New Men that have Awaken to the Reality in the whole planet... Thousands and thousands are rising day by day of the world's collective unconsciousness, and they already began to live the New World for themselves! Never again will they be walking in the world with a programmed conscience, or with a rented mind, or a borrowed philosophy, or an imposed religion, or a contaminated ideology... The New Man that Wakes Up from the lethargy and millennial dream no longer reacts, imitates or repeates others, they maintain nothing from their ancestors... the New Man recaptures and lifts his vision toward his Eternal Destination, and he undertakes with resolution his Universal Career of Life from where he was called to be integrated...

Friend, Planetary Citizen!, in this New Era everything will be New and more Evaluative; nothing will be like it was before... Lets see some of the new world manifestations that are revealing:

* In this old cycle that closes, the human race acted in a very “PERSONALISTIC” way, given too much importance to his individual interests... but in this new evolutionary cycle, the human race already begins to manifest the “IMPERSONALITY” that transforms totally the despotism of the selfish, I, that divided the human being; now each one begins to recover the supremacy of being an Altruistic and Impersonal Being, just as is demanded by the Orderly Cosmos.
* In the old cycle, the human race cares for “HAVING”, because he only reached to conceive himself as a “material body”, and he lived this way only “TO TAKE”, but now in this new era the man begins to perceive his universal career of life to accomplish his “BEING”, responding faithfully to the Call of his Divine Destination that urges him to go to where he has never been, to the Home of the Father-Mother-Love... this way the new man begins to manifest the “TO GIVE” that balances the exaggerated accumulation of property of the personal satisfaction. Previously, giving didn't work because it was conceived as sacrifice or renounce for the profit of others with the same interest of possessing them. Now, the human race begins to experience that Giving, or Sharing is the genuine expression of the altruism, and enjoys within the Being only when he understands that Giving preserves what he has, alleviating his brief passing through this beautiful Planet-School.
* In the old cycle, the human race cohabited in excessive “COMPETITION”, leaving back millions and millions of straggling beings. But in this new era, the human race begins to enjoy the “COOPERATION”, activating the innate potentialities that their fellow men carry out... The Cooperation or the “Transmuted Competition” grants the true Sense of the life in Fraternity; and today, the humanity begins to manifest a new kind of competition that is the renovated effort of giving the best of yourself to the world...

* In the old cycle, the human race looked for the “KNOWLEDGE”; but in this new cycle the human race begins with resolution to go in search of the “WISDOM”. With the “knowledge” the man achieved slowly to contact the external world and some phenomena, but he was not able to get to the heart of all things... Now, the new man begins to contemplate with “wisdom” the vital part of the same life that is the womb of all the phenomena of the nature, it begins this way to conquer what you cannot reach with the physical senses, to enter to the high Universal Realities of the Orderly Cosmos...

* In the old cycle, the human race was guided by the “INTELLIGENCE”; but the man in his new cycle begins to use the “INTUITION”. With the “intelligence” the man conceived the present time of the world that surrounds him, but only based by the limited physical organs of perception and more the impressions received in the physical brain; but with the “Intuition” the man begins to discover himself, at the same time that he is discovering the mansions of the vast universe, reestablishing communication with the Cosmos...

* In the old cycle, the human race obtained many “RELIGIONS”, but now the man begins to elevate his understanding and perceives the necessity to manifest “ONLY ONE RELIGION”. The religions are fragments of the arduous and tedious evolutionary processes of the primitive man in respond to the Call to recover the Divinity... and the Divinity passively and gradually became perceptible to the still sealed spiritual eyes of the embodied human soul... and since the man individualizes himself, then each one perceived the process on his own way ... But the new man already begins to qualify and understand the true sense of the Religion that is the Re-union of the man that Wakes up to the Reality with his Creator, the Alive and Present Father for Excellency!... This way, the new man breaks all the chains that limit him to reach total liberation, to begin his great cosmic adventure of going back to the Home of the Father-Mother-Love.

* In the old cycle, the human race characterizes for the “SEPARATIVITY”; But the new man begins to glimpse and to be forged in the “UNITY”... At the beginning, the man insisted in the past and he put too much attention in the individual possessions, race, abilities, beliefs, etc., that later separated each other… But now the man begins to look for only what Unifies him with Everybody, because he wakes up to the great fact that everybody and Each One are traveling in Time-Space with a potent and growing will of doing only the One-Unique-Creator's Will; to finally Be rediscovered with Everybody as UNITY in the HOUSE of The FATHER OF FATHERS.

Partner of Life, be strong and never abandon this Global task!, we are not alone, the Masters of Wisdom and the Divine Hierarchies assist us… We are working hand in hand with all power to achieve the total.